Chapter 9: The Bad-Ass is back!

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So, long story short, I was desperate to upload, so here we are! This is a rather long chapter, which is more a filler than anything, and pretty much the last chapter but in Pandora's P.O.V. The italics represent past times and dreams by the way, juss' so you don't get confuzzled (: 

So enjoy my friends ;) 

Laura Longbottom (:


Pandora's P.O.V

 Buggar!’ I screamed in pain. George, who was standing there calm and collected, laughed, and picked me up. ‘Thanks.’ I said, embarrassed. He chuckled a little, and I noticed he hadn’t let go of my hand. I wriggled my fingers, and he noticed, dropping my hand immediately. I looked around us. We were surrounded by fields and meadows, and the sun was just setting nicely over the horizon. It was perfect. I looked at George, who was walking up the nearby hill.  I guess this was the hiking part. I ran up to, and then past him.

‘C’mon George, race you to the top!’ I shouted, turning round and running up the hill. I thought I was creating a bit of a distance, but it seemed that I hadn’t, as George was in line with me, before speeding up, and going too far for me to reach. I was so focused on George, I didn’t see the nearby boulder, and toppled over it, landing in a heap. I rubbed my sore head, and looked at the nasty cut on my leg. George ran back over to me, and scooped me up into his arms.

‘Miss Lestrange, you’re rather clumsy aren’t you?’ I blushed slightly, and snuggled myself in George’s arms. When we reached the top of the hill, there was a blanket and picnic all set out, with candles and everything. I looked at George gobsmacked. ‘What? I can be romantic.’ I laughed as he put me on the blanket.

‘This is beautiful.’ I said.

‘I know.’ Said George, who was looking at me. Surely he didn’t mean...?

The dream whizzed forward.

It had turned to night, and the stars were glimmering beautifully. I looked at George, who had copied me in lying and looking at the stars. ‘Thank you George, this has been amazing.’ I said sincerely.

‘Well, there was one thing else that I wanted to do, so close your eyes.’ He said, and reluctantly I closed my eyes. And George’s lips crashed onto mine.

I woke up startled. George Weasley ... Pandora Lestrange. That was who I was. I wasn’t this. I looked down at myself. I was dressed in fishnets, short shorts, a low-cut top, leather jacket and boots. I looked disgusting. I turned my head from left to right, seeing the others still asleep. I was leaving. I stood up, shaking the leaves off me. I grabbed a nearbywand. They had taught me enough about magic. I knew how to defend myself, how to attack and how to fly on a broom. It was all part of being a snatcher.

I walked along the uneven ground, so unable to walk in a straight line. My head was spinning. Lord almighty, they had sent me cuckoo.  I couldn’t think straight. Just get to Hogwarts. Then I’ll see what I can do. I was back at the hill where I had ran down in a state when George and Fred ... . Them. I had to think about them. Was I going to forgive them? I don’t know. Like I said. I’ll see. Wow, I’m going mad. I wandered the empty corridors until I heard footsteps. I went to hide, but I slipped, and ended up in a heap on the floor. Whoops. A woman turned the corner, talking to another woman. The first one was Scottish, and looked old, and the other was English, and looked old, but not as old as the other. But knowing me, I bet I had totally misjudged the situation. The women looked at me, and the Scottish woman looked shocked, and ran forward.

‘This is her. Pandora Lestrange. Poor girl. Get her to the hospital wing. I’ll go and inform the Weasleys.’  She said. The Weasleys? As in George, or Fred, or Ron, or Charlie, or Percy, or Ginny or Arthur or Molly? That was the last thing I thought of before I passed out.

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