Frustration bubbled inside me, and I pushed the covers off of me, my body too hot for the warmth.

      Why did he have to kiss me?! Why did he think that it was just so simple to earn trust? I understand that being a prince all his life until his Father passed down his title, that he had been given everything on a silver spoon and platter. Trust. Honesty. Unconditional love. Everything that I had been taught to earn all my years, they seemed to have no value to him. And that frustrated me to no end. How could he not see the importance embedded into each of those things. To be honest with him, I needed to trust him. And to trust him, it would mean that I have some sort of positive feeling towards him. And, as much as it pained me, I knew that I trusted him. Even if it was only a slight amount.

         But, that slight amount was more than I could say for anyone that I had come across in the last four years. Everyone but him had pushed themselves onto me, trying to force me into comfort, when -if the boundaries are crossed- that just simply cannot happen. Yet, he knew.

          He knew what it would take for me to slowly open up to him, let alone myself. And though I knew that there was a strong chance that I was looking at this is far too much detail, I couldn't help but wonder once single question.

         Why did it seem like he was playing a game with me... and I was on the losing side?


         The morning moons light broke the barrier of the underwater kingdom as I stood on the balcony, watching as the Singing Orakles danced in the sea, their songs filling the air. The morning was calm, though there was not many people littering the streets of the town. However, looking and seeing what the villagers were doing... that was not why I had woken and placed on a robe to make myself decent to watch. No, I wanted to watch him leave, leave this Kingdom and I here while he flew away. And, at the thought of him leaving me, it caused my heart to flutter from joy... and disappointment. And that was more confusing than anything that I had ever felt before.

        Taking a breath, I moved my hair from behind my back to the side, my fingers going over the strands slightly as they started to twist them around, creating a small braid. I would only allow myself to do this when I was alone in my chambers, allowing myself the joy that a braid caused in my heart. I felt closer to home... to my people... and most importantly: My life mate.

       Kratos was wrong, I knew that he would find me. Need it be when I was free of this Kingdom, or in the next. We would find one another, we were mates. We had mated... but it was not on the silver moon. All we had done was choose another, not able to complete the ceremony with the tribes. But, that didn't matter to him or I. I could feel it that night by the waterfall. He felt for me as I felt for him... the emotions were strong, stronger than the greatest tide in the glass sea... correct? Taking a breath, I closed my eyes for a moment, losing myself in thought. It had been so long, the connection never completed between us. I had no memory of strong feelings, but perhaps they were there?

        You know who the connection is with, Vixas. Wake and Know.

       My eyes opened when the voice of a memory flooded my mind. Looking around me, ready to attack, my skin crawling, I scanned the area. But, nothing had changed. I was alone, here on the balcony, away from that voice. Where had it come from?!

         I was met with the sound of the doors to the palace open, followed with the sound of heavy footsteps falling. Going back to the edge of the balcony, I was met with the sight of a few guards that had 'accompanied' me on my ride to Marinas. Though, there was only a few guards, three that I could count in total that seemed prepared to leave. However, those were the only bodies that littered the entrance before moving down the stairs, their swords in the holder on their hips, chests covered in armor. They seemed to be dressed to head into the great hall of another Castle. Though, I saw no steads that they would be riding, only a few new beasts that followed behind them.

The King's Possession -- Book Two: WaterМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя