The road to the status quo

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"Hey! Guys look who I brought?" Rebecca shouted across the auditorium.

"Who? Brad Pitt?" Sarah replied. "Like as if."

"Shut up. I brought someone who plays the guitar. We need someone like him right?" As Cameron walked near the stage where the people were the stage lights gleam at him like he was meant for the stage.

"Hey." people stared at him like someone brought the dead to life.

Sarah tried to look displeased and said "well lets try see. Even Mr Thomson isnt here yet, Rebecca aka the club president can bring people and join without the club's permission"

"Of course. Thats why I brought him here. Show them" pointed to Cam

"Show them what?" he asked before the mass of girls awed.

Rebecca tapped the guitar case. "Oh." He opened " I made this one uhmm.. for somebody" he looked at Rebecca and played.


"Soph! I knew you'll still come!  Cant stay away from this hot stuff"  Zach, a jock (see They meet again 2) 

Sophia snorted and proceeded to where the cheerleaders are.

"Sophia!! We're glad you're here! We just cant get to the position withou- Oooh..." Mitch staring at Dylan "Heeeey.." blinking her eyes.

Sophia snatched Mitch hurriedly " Mitch! Get your 'boyfriend' to come here. 'Dylan' here needs a guy-to-guy tour"

"Sure! Mattypoo!!!" the guys cooed and whistled.

Matt hurriedly ran toward her girlfriend and kissed her to shut up. "Hey baby, what did I tell you to not call that name in public?"

"Why not? You like it when I call you that when-" Matt kissed her again "Baby, its ou-

"Wa-wait! Mitch! Matt! Can you show this guy around? He'a an all rounder athlete.  Maybe you could put him into something."

"Oh, sure."

"K, thanks. bye see you around."

"Uhm.. Hey there big guy. Im Matt Winsley. Im linebacker in football. Uhm.. My dad is the sports director so I think I can put you up with any sport you'd like."

"Uhmm... whats the football here? like soccer?"

"No, Here its american football. Uhmm... Its like rugby but with more paddings."

"Oh. I've done that too. My team won championships then!" Dylan said with a smug smile.

"Right. So lets try you out for football"  Dylan nodded and proceeded to the team.

A little while... "Huh. Not so fast. Lets try if he can get pass me." Zach demanded and the others agreed.  Dylan turn his back and walked.

"Thats right! Dont hope you're gonna win me. Sophia's mine! You-"

"Yaaaaah!........" OOMPH  Zach drops to the ground growling. 

"Dude, I wasn't- a-a-AW I think you broke my rib!"

"No, I didnt break it I just pinch a vein and twisted you a bit making a strain on your rib making it immobile for a while."

"Dude! How do u learn all that?!" Matt exclaimed

"I learn it in self-defense. I used it on taekwondo and pro mixed martial arts competitions"

"What? What is he? a robot?" Zach growled

"He's an all-rounder. Hes good at almost every sport. should've listened to me a while ago." "So guys, wanna have a game with him?" The guys backed out and insisted to continue their drills. "Hey, Dylan. You're good. We could use you on the team. But if you would still like to check out other teams, just tell me. Join them with their drills so your muscles wont stiffen up."


"Eve, Amanda! Wait up!"

"Come on! you know the way! We can get there first so you can have time with your boyfriend." Amanda walked faster.

"He's not my boyfriend!"

"Oh, yeah? Why are you holding hands?" Eve added

They both Immediately let go and blushed not looking at each other.

Amanda and Eve proceeded  "we're here" They pointed to the cafe 'lastdrop'

We went inside and took our seats.

"Good day. Will you be having your usual drinks for today?"



forgot to post this...


Meant From The StartHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin