10- House Traits

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Ah, to make your house unique...

Well, there are 2 kinds of traits: Positive, and Negative Traits

For every positive trait, you must select a negative trait, for a max of one per house.


Silver Fingered:

This family knows where to find money; +1 gold a turn

Wrought for Battle:

This family acquires combat experience at double the rate.

Northern Blood:

This family is not require to pay the penalty for fielding armies in winter.


This House constructs buildings in two turns less time, to a minimum of one turn.

Tourney Knights:

Get a +3 at all tourney rolls

Blood of Valyria:

This family knows the secret of creating Valyrian Steel and other secrets. Required to help create Lightbringer and The Citadel


Natural sailors of Ironborn or at least seafaring stock, this house can travel twice as far in a turn on water.


Their soldiers can march through 3 extra regions in a turn.

Blood of the Rhoynar:

No penalty for passing through Dornish deserts in Prince's Pass


No penalty AND a +2 move bonus for passing through the Marshes of the stormlands


This House takes 2 turns less to subdue and repopulate a recently sacked region.


This House can make things grow even in dead of winter and waterless seasons; +1 food a turn.


Physical/Mental Disfigurement:

This one is obvious; keeps all members of the house from (pick one below). You can get creative with the reasons here. This can even include things like simply being too short, like a crannogmen or our friend Tyrion Lannister 

1) Competing in tourneys

2) Marrying other nobles


Another obvious one; your family won't marry outside itself unless ABSOLUTELY necessary.


A notorious history for gluttony of drink, food or other delights. Begins to roll for death at age 25 instead of age 45.

Wraught for Battle: Experience is gathered by generals at half the rate

Feeble: Movement speed for armies is slowed by two regions

Saltfear: This House avoids the seas; they only travel half as fast over water.

Upjumped Stewards: This house requires two more turns to make a sacked province profitable.


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