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School was always the same. You arrive, you get teased, you hardly learn anything, you get teased, you go home and you repeat. For Dan, this was his daily schedule.

Dan walked towards his dreary school, each step dampening his mood. The sky was a constant grey and a cold English drizzle rained down onto his hazel brown hair. Even though he had a rain coat on, his lilac sweater was getting colder and wetter by the minute.

Finally, he reached his destination. Dan wasn't usually bullied, he was normally ignored, but today (being the first day of the school year) was an exception.

As soon as he entered the ugly, vomit colour building, insults were thrown at him. He pretended to ignore them, however they were permanently engraved into his head, always there to lower his self esteem.





Waste of space

And many more.

He kept his head down, refusing to look his attackers in the eyes, until he heard a new voice, cross-dresser. He looked up, his eyes meeting with a group of boys sat on a few benches. They were the cliché, typical bullies. But today, there was someone new. A tall, lanky boy with black hair and tattoos all up his arms was sitting next to the 'main bully', Martyn.

He smirked when Dan made eye contact with him. That's just great, another person to throw punches.

Dan put his head down and continued into the school.


It was lunch, and Dan was sat outside the school below an oak Tree. The sun had finally decided to show itself.

"Hello Dan." He heard. It was Martyn. Dan looked up, but refused to reply. "As you can see, we've got a new student here. He's my brother, and it's time to show him how things are done around here. " Martyn said, pointing towards the boy from earlier. Dan's eyes widened in realisation.

As if on cue, one of Martyn's little pets got up and headed in Dans direction. Dan knew what was coming. And he knew that he was unable to prevent it.

One of the guys, Alfie, Dan thought, grabbed Dan's collar, lifted him off the ground and geld him against the oak Tree.

Martyn took over and held Dan in place, while throwing punches at his face, stomach and chest. Dan tried not to make a sound, as that would only satisfy them. His nose was already bleeding, Martyn's brother was lingering in the background, a smirk on his face. Dan's sweater was slightly dirty with Dans blood when Martyn and his minions decided to stop. Dan slumped to the ground, and for the first time, let out a noise. A disgruntled groan. Martyn and the team laughed and sauntered off, leaving Dan below the oak tree.


Dan thought nothing of the new boy. He was just another punk, there for manpower. He wasn't of any relevance in Dan's life.

When Dan trudged through his front door, he could already hear shouting from his alcoholic father and slutty mother. He sighed and walked to his brother, Adrian's bedroom. Adrian was the only person in Dan's life that caused happiness rather than hurt. And for that, Dan was eternally grateful.

"Hi Adrian." Dan said, when entering his fourteen year old brother's room. Dan was just two years older than Adrian, which helped them bond easily.

"Hey Dan, what happened to your face?" Adrian asked with concern after turning away from his computer game. "Ugh, just Martyn again. It's just a scratch, I'm fine."

"That bastard! Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yup. How was your day?" Dan asked while wiping some stray blood off his face. Adrian knew that Dan could handle himself. He only ever helped Dan when something serious had happened, which with having a bisexual, quite feminine brother, was bound to happen every now and then.

"Good, school wasn't that bad, although we started doing work straight away!"

"Ugh that sucks. I guess that's high school for you."

"Yeah. Hey, you up for a game of Sonic?"

"Hell yeah, I'm going to beat you this time!"

"You wish, sunshine."



Hey y'all!

New phanfic ayee

Okay. So in NO way am I romanticising bullying, alcoholism, depression or anything that is mentioned in this story and (cue cheesy music) if you are struggling with anything, please tell someone. I promise there are people out there to help you, okay? Stay happy :)



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