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Since today was Monday,

I decided to skip school.

With Jimin; of course.

Me and Jimin are smoking buddies.

I met him outside the convenience store; 'thought that his red-ish orangey hair was fucking rad.

"What?" He said, getting his cigarette out of the pack and putting the cigarette foot in his mouth.

That's what he said when we first met.

I remember shrugging and walking towards him; taking out my pack as well.

"Your hair caught me off guard." I mumbled while taking my lighter.

He stuck his cigarette head out and that meant to light up his cigarette.

I did.

"So, how old are you?" He said after his first puff.

"Turning twenty in December." I hesitantly replied and inhaled in the nicotine.

"Aren't you supposed to be in your classes?"

"Fuck no. You?"


And we both laughed.

"I'm Jimin." He said; sticking out his hand.


And now,

As Jimin and I were walking towards the convenience store, I saw her.

I nudged Jimin's shoulder. "Jimin, its her."

He knew about her.

The 'outcast'.

"Hey!" Jimin screamed.

I hit his shoulder but Jimin just laughed it off.

And the girl turned around.

"Yeah, you! Hey!" Jimin continued. "Aren't you supposed to be at your classes?"

"I'm just skipping. Not ditching." She shrugged. "Aren't you supposed to be there too?"

I guess she wasn't afraid of us.

I didn't talk to her though.

I just watched her.

Jimin replied with a "Hmm..." and walked towards her.

"Jimin." I shouted. Making Jimin stop on his tracks.

"What? I just wanna know her name!"

"It's Marina. And I don't smoke."

"I'm Jimin. The guy over there is Taehyung. And both of us are trying to stop smoking, but we just can't."


this story will be held in america.

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