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for the past day, I would like to admit that I let Marina text Taehyung through my phone.

But if you were gonna ask me if I really bought cigarettes,

Yes. I did.

In fact,

Taehyung's here with me today.

And we aren't in class.

"Jimin!" Taehyung slightly shouted, his eyebrows arched.

"Yes! Yes! What?"

We both took our cigarette packs out of our hand bags.

"What did you and Marina do?"

Oh here we go again.

Meanwhile, I was struggling to get my lighter out of my pocket.  "I told you. I bought a cig, and told her to text you."

Taehyung was already smoking.

With the killing stick in between his fingers, he watched me light mine up.

"Tae, let me remind you that she is two years younger than us." I said, waving the lighter up in the air.

Taehyung rolled his eyes (he always does).

"I don't care." Taehyung replied; inhaling in the nicotine and letting the smoke out through his mouth and nose.

I got my phone out. "Yeah. Well, if you want her number–"

"Bitch please, I ask people's numbers by myself." He laughed. "Wait how did you get her  number?"

I shrugged. "I don't like girls anyway."


guys im back :-)

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