"Ok," he said simply with a smile and I took myself off to the booth, which had high wooden benches at either side, making a cosy space for us. I took my jacket off and settled myself down into the brown leather bench, trying to fix my overly long fringe. I watched Brandon walk over to our table and wondered what it would be like to have him as my boyfriend, but that thought was too much for me and I quickly tried to focus on the moment in front of me.

"Here we go," he said placing the tray of hot drinks and muffins down, "I wasn't sure what you liked, so I got two different types. Are you a blueberry or a chocolate?" He laughed as he slipped his jacket off his shoulders.

"I'm a blueberry, every time," I giggled back taking in the sight of him opposite me. His hair was still cut in a messy style with his fringe at one side. He was so handsome and he was all mine for the next half an hour at least.

"I guessed that," he laughed rubbing at his jaw, "You look like a blueberry," he whispered moving his head forwards, making me erupt with giggles, I couldn't seem to help myself.

"Ok," I said, ready to get some issues off my chest, "you know that I had to visit my grandmother last boxing day and i just couldn't get out of it and I had no way of letting you know and I felt terrible," I said.

"Please, don't worry," he said with a kind smile, "I knew something must have come up..."

"Yes, because I really wanted to meet you," I blurted out, interrupting him.

"I know," he said, "but I thought about it afterwards that maybe it was for the best, I wouldn't want my sister meeting up with one of my friends in secret."

"I suppose," I said feeling the disappointment flow through me, "is this ok?" I said with a petulant tone.

"I think so," he said looking at me directly, "We met by chance and had a catch up over a festive hot chocolate," he smiled, "I was full of bourbon the last time I saw you," he said and the sting of his words sank in.

"Oh well.." I said hiding myself behind my mug of hot chocolate, "seems it worked out for the best then," and I gave him a weak smile.

"I didn't mean it like that, Jessica," he said knitting his brows together, "I just meant... maybe I had been out of line, nothing to do with you or how much I wanted to meet up with you," he said as he pushed his hand across the table and touched my wrist with his finger tips. The touch was enough to send electric shocks through my body.

"How is life with The Killers?" I asked trying to change the subject, even though I knew the answer, because I asked my brother about the progress of Brandon's band evert time I called home.

"Good," Brandon nodded, "We've got a new drummer and bassist now and we are really taking things seriously, you know practicing all the time and writing new songs," he said looking up at me, "we met with a label not long ago..." he said cutting off and laughing a little.

"That's great!" I gushed, "what did the label say? Did they want to sign you?"

"Not exactly," he laughed again casting his eyes down, "they said they didn't think I had the right sex appeal to be a front man," he said looking directly at me. I almost spat out an entire mouthful of hot chocolate at his last statement.

"Are you serious?" I said loudly, making him laugh, "I mean, you know...," I stumbled around, suddenly embarrassed by my outburst betraying the depths of my feelings, "I bet there were no women in the room, just older record label executive guys, right?" I laughed as I tried to rescue myself.

"You're right," Brandon giggled, "so I shouldn't feel so bad that none of these old dudes found me sexy?"

"No way," I said leaning forwards, but I couldn't bring myself to say anything else. I wanted to tell him how sexy he was to me and how much I liked him and just everything.


I could tell that Jessica was holding back, she wasn't the same Jessica that had stayed at my aunt's or secretly held my hand at The Killers gig. I wanted to tell her that she could let her guard down with me, but I think I had messed things up by saying it was better that we hadn't met up last year. She had clammed right up and I was anxiously trying to talk to her, avoiding the elephant in the coffee shop.

"How is New York these days?" I asked trying to keep the conversation going.

"It's going well," she nodded her blue eyes on me, "I've been falling more into photography rather than illustration, which has been a surprise to me and I'm hoping I'll be accepted as one of the students to study in Rome next fall," she explained as she finished her hot chocolate.

"Maybe you could take some pictures of The Killers," I giggled.

"I would love that, so don't forget me when you are mega rich and famous," she laughed back, her eyes shining like the sparkling sun on blue waves.

"I could never forget you," I said holding her gaze, wishing I was brave enough to be frank with her about my feelings and my worries.


I knew our little meeting was about to end. I had wanted it to be filled with the magic of Brandon's aunt's house, but it seemed like romantic feelings just made us both awkward.

"Thanks for the hot chocolate," I said getting ready to make my escape route straight to Thomas' so I could cry and lament to him.

"You are welcome, Jessica," he said smiling at me, keeping me fused to the leather seat, "I'm glad I met you and sorted a few things out," he said as he picked at the crumbs on the muffin plate.

"Yeah," I agreed, but inside I couldn't have felt more confused.

A Christmas SurpriseWhere stories live. Discover now