Donald- his love

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It was the day that jmoney would see his love, well his idol really (no homo am I right). He would be attending a speech spoken by the best human in existence. Donald trump,or daddy trump in his free time.
The best part about the speech is that there is a meet and greet afterwards, and jmoney fully intends to go. He couldn't believe it! He had been fantasizing about daddy trump for ages! And now he would meet his love (no homo).

He put on his best pair of pink, plaid,cargo shorts. He sprayed a special cologne on his bare chest, and put his obnoxious neon orange shirt on. To finish off the look he added a navy blue bow tie. He was ready.

Anxiously, he drove down to the assembly hall, where daddy trump would be speaking. Butterflies started to swirl in a tornado of love in his stomach. Jmoney decided to turn on his favorite song "they're coming to take me away" . He knew that listening to this would calm his nerves, but his head was still swimming by the time he pulled up.

He got out of his car and practically ran up the steps like his life depended on it. He was so unbelievably exited. He felt like his legs would fall off, and he could feel vomit at the back of his throat. He opened up he assembly hall and saw the most gorgeous sight of his life. The room was mostly white, including the chairs and the pieces of furniture. Contrary to the white, the freshly cleaned carpet was a gold kind of royal design. At the very back of the room there was a small stage, fit for his uncrowned King. The stage was empty except for a podium that was a dark brown/mahogany color, it had gold trimming and various microphones placed proudly by the news stations that put them there.

He hurried into the half filled room and sat closest to the front as possible. He found a seat in the front row that was occupied by a child. The mother was sitting next to him, so Jmoney quietly asked if he could move to the mother's seat. When they agreed Jmoney sighed a long held breath of relief. Today. Was . The . Day.

Jmoney had been awaiting in a haze of love for what felt like ages. Then, at last, Donald trump came out from the right wing of the stage. Then everyone in the audience clapped, except for Jmoney. Jmoney stood and flailed as hard as he could. He could feel the foam sizzling in his mouth as it flooded out onto his clothing. He screamed as loud as he could "DONALD, mY LOVE!", but soon after, he hit the floor hard and passed out. Daddy trump's confused tender look, the last thing he saw.

Jmoney awoke to the smell of hand sanitizer and vomit. He opened his eyes and saw a white ceiling with blaring white lights overhead, his head started to throb as he looked around the room. His eyes stopping on a familiar face, it was Daddy trump. He screamed, Donald quickly hushed him by placing his hand on Jmoney's face. Jmoney's face turned scarlet red. Donald felt his hand heating up, and quickly removed it, he too was blushing, "you passed out, and I couldn't just leave you! And honestly, your kinda cute, so it would do no justice to just leave your pretty face on the floor." Jmoney was completely red, from head to toe, Donald decided to fix the situation with his exquisite social skills and puckered his lips, and cocked his head "let me have your number, let's go out for coffee sometime...but no homo though." Jmoney, by this point in time was about to scream, but all he could muster out is "th-that would be amazin-g." They quickly traded numbers. Donald, oblivious to the way that Jmoney felt, stood up and left with a quick,sharp turn, and waved on the way out.

As soon as Daddy Trump left Jmoney squealed and flailed. He felt like his heart would burst out of his chest and throw itself into the trash can. Honestly, Jmoney felt completely healed.

3 days later, Jmoney was doing his daily exercise regimen, when he received a text. He lunged at his phone with all of his might, it was Daddy Trump. The text was only about a sentence long saying:

"hey Jmoney 😜 want to go get that coffee I promised??"

Jmoney gasped, and draped himself over the couch, thinking about what to send back. He sat there typing, and deleting everything he came up with, until he forced himself to wright:

"Sure!! What coffee shop? I really like Starbucks, but anything works for me 🌴🌴"

Donald quickly replied

"Probably not Starbucks, to many people, how about the park? I'll bring my own brew of coffee."

Jmoney swooned as he saw this text, "Daddy trump makes his own brew?" He thought, confused. Jmoney quickly texted back:

"Sure, I'll meet you @ Pinkerton in 5 🙃😋"

Jmoney hopped in his car, and drove speedily to Pinkerton park. He hopped out of his car and saw Donald waiting for him, sitting on a picnic blanket with 2 mugs placed in front of him. In his hands, he held a thermos, obviously trying to warm up. It was mid December in Tennessee and quiet cold outside, the kind of light jacket weather.
Jmoney approached and said cunningly " Are you cold?", with a slight smirk on his face Jmoney sat down uneaSily,grunting a little, since his muscles hurt. Donald looked at him worriedly and said "yeah, I've always gotten cold easily. My lack of hair really supplies no winter coat...but enough of me, did it hurt when you sat down?" Jmoney looked a little embarrassed as he said "oh, I was just working out, so I'm a little tired." Donald eyed his body before realizing that Jmoney was watching him in the act. Donald looked up at Jmoney's face, a little surprised and grabbed the coffee mugs. " I've got to be honest with you, I didn't actually make this coffee myself." He looked down in slight shame "it was one of my Mexican maids, since I'm trying to deport her, she wanted to make me a final present." Jmoney chuckled wryly and took a cup out of Donald's hand. "Care to pour me a cup Don ?"
Jmoney and Donald laughed and drank there not-exactly-homemade coffee. They seemed to like being around each other, due to the fact of they were cracking jokes and giggling. Jmoney no longer felt uncomfortable around Donald. It was a healthy relationship. They even gave each other nicknames! Donald was given "Don" and Jmoney "Jay".
By the end of the cold, December day it had started to rain. Donald heard his phone buzz from his pocket and casually picked it up and put it too his ear. "Hello, this is Donald I'm out on personal business, why? ..... Well a date if you must ask.." Jmoney started to blush furiously. "No I can't make it to the campaign meeting at 6, I'm still out ,and it's 5:30 ill never make it!.....well, if it's that urgent" Donald sadly hung up the iPhone 6 and put it in his coat. "Sorry Jay I've got to go, I really want to meet up again though." He smiled and stood up, Jmoney stood with him, urgent lust striking his face. He then instinctively rushed forward and kissed Donald's face passionalty. Donald started to kiss back, and the two soon lost control and fell back to the ground. Jmoney on top of Donald, the both of them blushing like tomatoes. Jmoney timidly said "I think I'm in love with you , Don." As if in a reply Donald leaned forward and kissed Jay back. "I think I am too" Donald said with confidence.
"Yeah, but" Jay said stuttering.
"What is it? Donald asked.
Jmoney paused and looked up at Donald.
"No homo though"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2015 ⏰

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