Chapter Thirteen - Life Is An Inferior Prologue

Start from the beginning

“Sophie,” Blue said, out of the corner of his mouth. “Hold my hand. They say one thing I don’t like and we’re out of here.”

“They don’t look so bad,” Sophie muttered.

“They’re Necromancers. They don’t have to.”

The pair stopped about a metre away and watched them carefully.

“Hello,” the female said, eventually. “You are Sophie.”

Sophie nodded. “Yes. I know.”

The lady smiled, not the patronizing smile Sophie had expected but as though she really was amused.

“My name is Diana,” she extended a hand. “Diana Veil. And, as your friend has guessed, I am a necromancer.”

Sophie cautiously extended her hand and shook. Diana’s grip was warm and human, not clammy or cold or dead. So far, they didn’t seem to be a threat.

“This is Savio,” Diana gestured to her companion. “Savio Herald. He’s…a friend of mine.”

Savio bowed. “Charmed.”

Sophie blinked, startled.

“I’m Blue,” Blue looked at the Necromancers with obvious mistrust. “Blue Last. And you’re not going to take Sophie away and kill her.”

“No,” Diana agreed. “I’m not. Anyway, only the Society actually has her immediate execution on the cards. The Necromancers want her living, breathing, human.”

“Thank you for that reassurance,” Sophie backed away. “I think we can just go now.”

Diana held up a hand. “Wait!”

Sophie froze.

“Listen,” Diana spread her hands wide. “You’re a necromancer. That doesn’t mean you have to be a Necromancer.”

“Are you crazy?” Blue yelped, but Sophie had heard the difference.

“You mean,” she said, slowly. “Shadow magic doesn’t mean you have to join the cult.”

“Yes,” Diana nodded. “It’s far more dangerous, being a necromancer outside their grasp. It helps not to be alone. Necromancy alone is dangerous. Far too dangerous to deal with.”

“You and Savio…you’re not part of the cult, are you? You’re independent.”

“Yes,” Diana smiled. “We have been since our teens. It’s ok. There’s been a few interesting moments but we get by. The thing is, we rather like being alive.”

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