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I wake up to the feeling of cramps in my lower abdominal.  Ugh, I jinxed myself! I was telling J that I had girl problems and now I wake up with them.  I guess I deserve that.  I groan and curl up in a tight ball.

"Nor? How are you feeling?" J whispers in my ear as he brushes hair away from my forehead.

I groan again. "It hurts," I mumble into my pillow.

"I bought you some of those heating pads that you stick on.  Want me to put them on for you, honey?"

"Yes please." I roll onto my back and blink blearily up at J.J.

"Hey beautiful.  I'll take care of you.  Show me where to put the heating pads."

I lower my shorts and panties a bit.  "Right here.  Can you put one on my lower back too?"

"Of course.  Turn over for me." His large hands are surprisingly soft and gentle as he rubs the heating pad over my lower back.

"Where's Britney?" I ask him sadly.

"I don't know.  I kicked her out last night.  She was getting clingy.  You know I'm not trying to get into any serious relationships right now.  Football is the most important aspect of my life besides my family."

"Oh," I say, trying not to grin.  "You probably broke her poor little heart."

"Yeah right.  She's probably pissed that I won't be her sugar daddy," he laughs as he gets comfortable on the bed.

"Well there's plenty more of those skanks waiting around for the opportunity to make J.J. Watt their man," I tease him, turning onto my side to face him.

"Well they can keep waiting.  I'm done with them.  Besides, I already have the best girl there is," he grins, facing me on the bed.

"Mama Connie?" I grin.

"Okay, the two best girls there are.  Mom and you." He leans over and kisses my forehead.  I can feel my face heating up.  Nothing could tear this huge grin off my face. 

J.J.'s phone goes off in his pocket.  "Were your ears ringing?" he answers the FaceTime call.

"Were you talking about me? Mother's intuition."

"Say hi to Nora," he tells her before leaning close to me.

"Hi sweetheart.  Are you two laying in bed?" she asks with a mischievous grin.

"Um yeah.  No, we're not making you any grandchildren, mom.  Don't get excited." J.J. wraps his arm around me in order to get more comfortable.

"Hi Connie.  It's actually my fault we're laying in bed.  Your sweet son brought me heating pads for my awful cramps.  He's so thoughtful," I tell her sweetly, turning my head to kiss J's cheek.He grins bashfully.

"Aw that's so sweet.  My son knows how to take care of a lady.  Although, if he ever does treat you badly, don't hesitate to call me, Nora.  He's not too old to get his butt kicked by me or my husband."

I laugh while J.J.'s mouth drops open. "Mom! First of all, I would NEVER treat Nora badly. She's my bestest friend in the whole wide world. Secondly, we live in different states, so I can hide from you and dad," he grins teasingly.

"You're going to have to come home at some point, son.  Take your ass-kicking like a man.  I really called just to say good luck tomorrow, sweetheart.  You know I wish I could be there for every game."

"Thanks.  I know that mom.  I wish you could all be here with me and Nora, but I will hopefully fly you guys down here before the season ends."

"We'll have to see how our schedules are.  We're pretty busy up until Christmas, honey," she tells him gently.

"Okay.  It's fine, mom.  Don't feel bad.  I'll see you all when the season is over.  It's not that much longer," he tries to say optimistically, but I can see that he's hurt.  He doesn't know that they're planning to surprise him for Christmas! I know his mom doesn't want to ruin the surprise and neither do I.  It'll be so much better when he sees that they took the time out of their busy lives to come spend the holiday with him.

"I'm sorry, Justin.  Well I have to go.  I love you both!" she tells us before blowing kisses.

"We love you too, Connie!" I wave and blow kisses.

"Love you and miss you mom," J.J. says quietly before they disconnect.

"Hey. You know they love you and your brothers more than anything.  You will have tons of time to spend with them in the off season," I tell J as I rub his arm softly.

"I know.  I just miss them so much.  My brothers too," he sighs sadly.

I cuddle up close to him while his arm tightens around my shoulders. 

"I understand.  I miss my family too.  We can miss our families together.  At least we have each other."

"You know what? You're so right! I have you, boo." He grins down at me and squeezes me tightly.

"That's the spirit! Now go to practice.  You're going to be late," I stick my tongue up at him.

"I thought you loved my cuddles?" he pouts.

"I do love you, sweetie, but I don't want you to get in trouble," I pout back at him.

"Five extra laps around the field would be worth twenty extra minutes with you." I swoon and bury my head in his strong chest.

"Aw I made you blush.  You're too cute.  Okay well you don't worry about feeding me today.  We can get take out tonight.  You just lay here and relax.  Watch some T.V.  Do you want me to bring you back some ice cream? Chocolate?"

"Yes please.  Oh and I'm craving some Dill pickles and salt and vinegar chips," I pout pathetically.

"Are you sure you aren't pregnant? Okay I will have all of that for you tonight, sweetheart." He leans down and kisses my forehead.

"Thank you, J.  I love you bunches!" I yell out as he leaves the room.

"Love you bunches, Nor!" he yells back from the hallway.

I feel like a princess today.  No work for me.  My handsome, strong prince is taking care of me.  I just need to lay here and relax.  "Mmm," I moan, snuggling down into my bed.  I feel a nap coming on.

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