Chapter 1

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Ashlyn's point of view
I wake up to the sound of the kettle boiling on a Monday morning. I brush my long, blue hair and walk outside of my master bedroom, that my mom and dad let me have. I'm so grateful for them! I walk downstairs with a big grin on my moms face. "Our beautiful princess is finally up!" My mom cried. (I'm not a princess, that's just what she calls me).
"Morning mom. May I have tea please?" I asked.
"Of course you may!" My mom laughs as she pours the tea.

I sip on it slowly, as I realized that I needed to go to my aunts today. I run upstairs, and put on a cute red summer dress, and black lace flats. I put on foundation and mascara, that's all today. I grab my Rose Gold IPhone 6, and walk to my aunts down the road. I arrive. "Hello Ash, thanks for coming to help make lunch with me!" Aunt Lisa said.
"Any time Auntie!" I giggle.
I help her make lemonade, chicken sandwiches and salad. She invited me to stay, since I helped. I accepted. We sit down out on her deck and have a "ladies lunch" together. "Thanks for lunch, I have to get going!" I cry.
"Bye baby, see you later!" My aunt cries and hugs me.

I walk down her driveway and head home. After a while, I spot a big black van driving slowly, following me. I turn around, raging with anger. A fairly good looking guy with long curly hair and bright green eyes pops out of the van. "Hey pretty, need a ride home he asks?" The guy asked.
"No, thanks anyways!" I laugh and jog on.

All of a sudden, I feel a rope being tied by my arms and legs, a cloth go over my mouth and a soft hand go over my eyes. I get thrown into a trunk and carried away somewhere. "Where am I?" I scream.
"Shut up, or else!" A guy says.

I feel the van stop, and someone walk to the trunk. The door lifts up and a piece of tape goes over my mouth, so I can't scream. This time, a even cuter guy with blonde hair, carried me into a big bedroom with 3 guys following after. They slam and lock the door behind them. They rip the tape off my mouth. I realized that One Direction have kidnaped me! "Nice hair!" Liam laughs.
"What do you want from me? Why did you take me, I thought you guys were nice men!" I yell.
We want you as, our servant! You will do as we say, got it?" Harry yells at me.
"Yes Harry. Yes...," I cry.
They all leave the bedroom, leaving me tied up. 

Kidnapped by One DirectionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora