Chapter 5

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Ashlyn's point of view
My arms and legs are still throbbing from the rope, that was still bar tight. The green light on the alarm clock read 5:00am. "Why is this being done to me? Why?" I whisper to myself. I heard my door open, and my heart stops. The lights blinded me as I tried to pick out who it was. It was the boss, Harry. "Morning Ashlyn," Harry growled.
"M-M-Morning Sir!" I stutter.
"Get up and get dressed. Then, come me in the kitchen!" Harry yelled. He untied the rope, and threw it on the bed. He left my bedroom.
I slowly get up as he leaves. I get dressed and put the maids apron on over my cloths. I braid my hair tightly, and dreadfully make my way downstairs, to the 3 Devils.

I see the boys laughing, and as soon as they see me, their faces go straight again. "Ahem!" Harry cleared his throat. "Today, you will not be needing you maids apron. You will be sealing 1,000 cards, for our friends and family!" Harry explained. I took of the apron and threw it to the floor. "I will take you to my office. BUT there is a rule. DON'T TOUCH ANYTHING! Understood?" Harry asked.
I nodded my head in fear. He grabbed my wrist with his tight grip and took me to his office. There were a huge pile of the envelopes and cards. "Get to work. Get me when your done!" Harry yelled and left me alone.

I sat on his luxurious chair at his desk, and began my work. I was about done 65 envelopes and I decided to take a sneaky break. I spotted a note on his desk, and I picked it up to read it. It read:
Dear Mr. styles,
I have some suggestions for some punishments for your girl you kidnapped. Maybe punch her, do something she'd absolutely hate! , leave the rest to you! Think about it.
Your old pal, Zayn.

Zayn? Why would he be sending letters? "Mrs. Reid! What do you think you are doing?" Harry yelled.
"I-I-I-Uh..." I stutter.
"Shut it! I don't wanna hear it!" Harry yelled in my ear.
He grabbed my waist and threw me over his shoulder. I kicked, screamed, punched and did it all. He never moved a muscle. "LET ME GO!!" I yelled. He never replied. I was terrified what was going to happen to me now!!

I was in a weird room. I was scared to death!!" He threw me into this odd shaped bed, and got out 10 chains!! He chained my arms to the headboard, chained my legs to the bed, he chained my whole body to the bed so I couldn't move. He looked at me in a evil way. "Can't move can you?" He teased.
"Let me outta this!! Now!" I screamed.
"Haha! Soon you won't be able to talk!" He laughed evily. He pulled out 5 pieces of duck tape and put them on my mouth one piece by one piece. I cried and cried. "You won't be able to see eather!!" He laughed. He pulled out a blindfold and lit it over my eyes.

I heard him leave the room, and I was left there. Scared to death, not knowing what to do. Like he would care anyways!

Kidnapped by One Directionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن