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What would you do if someone you knew wasn't who you thought they were. That they themselves didn't even know. What if the one you loved didn't love you. What if they forgot you and all you memories together?

" Kanda,Komui has an assigment for you." A random finder boy said in a quiet voice so to not anger the strangely quiet exorsist. Kandas onyx eyes looked at the light brown ones and gave an irritated 'che' before he stalked off to koumis office.

As Kanda neared the office he heard voices talking but he could only recognize Komuis. He grabbed the cold silver doorknob and opened the door with undefined grace. The first thing he saw other than the ridiculous amount of paper work was a mop of white hair. Kanda couldn't believe his eyes the young exorsist has been on a mission for the past 4 months and looked slightly tired. Komui continued to speak to Allen as if he didn't hear Kanda enter the room.

"I'm really sorry Allen I can't change leverriers orders. Even though you just got back." Kanda bearly heard the scientist voice speak to the white haired boy.

"I'm fine komui, I promise. Kandas here so I would appreciate if we could get this done quickly." Allen said sounding exhausted and with nearly any emotion.

" The town you are going to has rumors going around about a fountain of youth. It is suspected to be innocence, and there may be a few Akuma around. The rest of the information are in these packets. Your train leaves in an hour." Komui hands the Manila folders to Kanda and Allen.

As they both went to leave Komuis voice stopped them in their tracks.

"And Allen. Be careful." Allen nodded stiffly before turning to leave. He quickly retreated to his room and packed the necessities for the upcoming journey.

Kanda and Allen ran to the train station only to make it just in time. They were then led by their finder,dean to their first class cabin. Allen sat by the window and began to glare at the reflection. Kanda raised and delicate eyebrow before rolling his eyes and began to meditate across from him.

The rain ride lasted 4 hours before they finally reached their stop. The entire ride was unnaturally quiet, in kandas opinion. Kanda kept his eyes on Allen as they walked through the damp Forrest that lead to the village, as they walked kanda noticed quiet muttering a come from Allen. He strained his ears to hear what the boy was saying.

"...shut one asked you...asshole... do you...?" Kanda raised an eyebrow, well that created more questions than answers. The finders voice interrupted both the gloomy exorcists thoughts.

"we're here." Allen nodded in acknowledgement and kanda gave his characteristic 'che'. The finder said he would check them in the inn while they put their stuff away. Allen and kanda went to their respective rooms,the rooms were next to each other. Allen knocked on kandas door soon after unpacking saying he was going to get some information from the townspeople.

NEXT DAY: Kandas pov

The stupid moyashi came back rather late tonight looking more tired and exhausted than during the briefing. I wonder what's wrong? I look at the boy as he explained to me that there was a fountain on the other side of town that supposedly makes you younger. I nod.

we both decided that it would be best to look into it tomorrow. I kiss his forehead goodnight before retiring to my own room. We also thought it be best to keep our relationship on the extreme down low.i watch him blush a bright red before squeaking a goodnight.

As I lay down to sleep I hear Allen talking. I put my head to the wall and try to listen to what he is saying.

"What are you talking about? Of course I don't remember you why would I we never met!" I heard Allen growl confused. Who is he talking to?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2015 ⏰

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