Chapter Three

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Ember took the bowl from him and started eating. "So," she said between bites, "It's your turn. What's your story?" She watched him expectantly.

Inside he grimaced, but outside he smirked. "To be honest, there's not much to tell. I'm an orphan who grew up on the streets. I did what I had to so I could survive. Eventually, I heard word of Zydrate dealers and how lucrative the business is. So, I ended up learning the art of dealing from one of the best dealers at the time and branched out on my own."

"Are you now the best dealer, then?" she asked, a bit of wonder and admiration on her face.

"Of course. I don't stand for anything less."

"So you're pretty famous, then, huh?"

"More like 'infamous' and 'wanted'." The thought of innocent little Ember Bianchi adoring him as a drug dealer made him sick to his stomach. There was nothing good about his work; nothing sexy or glamorous at all. He wanted to keep her away from that part of his life.

"How old are you?" She changed the subject, almost as if she could tell that he was secretly upset.


"Do you have any brothers or sisters?" She looked down at her bowl, seemingly surprised to find it empty.

Inwardly giving a sigh of relief, he changed the subject. "We need to get going if we're going to get you some suitable clothes. I have to work tonight,you know." He took the bowl from her and threw it into the sink. "Come on. We need to finish getting you ready." He walked out of the kitchen.

Ember followed quietly, feeling like kicking herself. He was obviously upset about something she'd brought up. She was lucky he still was going to help her. She stopped a few feet behind him to give him some space.

Clarence had opened a closet near the front door and pulled out another black leather jacket, a little more beat up than the one he was wearing when he'd come home earlier. He grabbed out a wide-brimmed hat and a pair of combat boots. Turning around, he laid them on the couch. "This should do for now."

She stood there and stared at him.

"What?" he asked warily.

"I'm sorry I upset you," she responded quietly.

He started laughing. "You didn't upset me," he lied.

"I know how to read body language and listen to pitch and tone of voice. Something DID upset you."

He gave her a small smile. "You have quite the skill. I've had to make a career out of hiding all emotions. Yet, you read right through it. Don't worry. Really. Just used to not digging up my past."

Finally she nodded and sat down on the couch to get ready. The boots were a couple sizes too big, the coat was perfect, and the had was hilariously big. By the time she was finished, so was he.

"Alright, now, there are two rules to follow when we get outside. Number one is 'keep your head down'. Number two is 'never call me by GraveRobber', because that will get us caught and killed. Am I clear?"

"Perfectly," she answered, nervously.

"Alright, good. Now, I need you to come up with a name. We can't use your real name, because it's too unique."

"Melody Delaney."

"Sure, as long as it's something you'll remember to answer to."

"Melody is my middle name."

"Well, Melody it is, then. If anyone asks, you're my new girlfriend who's moved in. Ready?"

Stunned into silence at being told to act as Clarence's girlfriend, all Ember could do was nod.

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