Aaron's POV chapter seven

Start from the beginning

“You want to fall asleep? I didn’t think you did that with girls.” She laughed.

Again, ouch. It kind of hurts how little she thinks of me.

“Only with you.” I replied. I kissed her lips lightly before I closed my eyes and started falling asleep.


I woke up before Sage and I decided to surprise her.

I scattered her bed with rose petals.

She looked so peaceful and serene sleeping in her Halloween costume surrounded by flower petals.

I silently changed into jeans and a grey t-shirt before I headed downstairs. I made myself a cup of coffee before sitting down at the table. I looked at the rose that was still intact and carefully set it down on the table so none of the petals would fall off.

I heard Sage walk down the stairs and call my name. I smiled to myself. She walked into the kitchen without a sound and she grinned at me. “Hey.”

“Hi.” I said as I got up and met her half way. I leaned down and lightly kissed her lips before placing the rose in her hand.

She made a sound and pulled away from me. She smiled as she walked around the counter and smelled the rose.  I think she likes it. I wonder if anyone else has ever spoiled her this way before. “And I didn’t even sleep with you.” She said with a joking glint in her eyes.

“Technically, you did.” I smirked before catching her waist and pulling her to me. I tickled her sides and she squealed before she fell to the floor. I fell down beside her and laughed nearly as hard as she was. She sighed before letting her head rest against the cupboard behind her. I thought for a minute before speaking. “So what about a date?”

Her head snapped up in surprise. “Huh?” She said looking at me.

“Can I take you on a real date sometime?”

God, don’t let her say no.

“Like what?” She grinned as her leg leaned against mine.

“Well…” I said attempting to think on the fly. “Homecoming is next Saturday?” I offered.

She smiled at me. “Well if you want to go to homecoming you better be thinking of a better way than just,” She tried her best at making her voice sound like a man’s. “’well homecoming is next Saturday?’...”

I glared at her before laughing. “Fine, I will find a better way to ask you.”

There was a moment of silence where I just looked at her. She is so beautiful. Her blonde hair caught the sunlight that was shining through the window and her eyes lit up as if she was totally content with life. She looked like an angel. My angel.

“So what about breakfast?” She asked breaking me from my thoughts as she stood up and started taking things out so she could start making waffles.

She walked to the fridge and was moving things around when I scooped up a handful of flower. “You know what I love more than making waffles?” I asked her.

“What?” She said turning around. I tossed the flower and it hit her straight in the face. She opened her mouth in shock as she wiped the flower from her eyes.

“Fighting with ingredients.” I said trying not to laugh too hard.

She set everything down on the counter before grabbing an egg and smashing it on my head. “Oops.” She laughed. I shook my head and the shell hit the floor. I picked up the milk and started taking off the lid as she took a step back. “You wouldn’t.”

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