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Hey, I'm Amena Gerald. Shoulder length REALLY dark hair, brown eyes... and I'm 15. I'm from Southwest Asia living in a town not far from Bangladesh, but I was born in Pakistan. I miss my old home there but a few years ago, right after Mum passed, we moved to here to Ishtaar. My dad is a minister. I'm not really sure what he does exactly. I never learned about it during the 5 years I went to school.

But, I have more things to worry about, other than what my dad does as a job. I have chores to be done, feed Issac some vegetables, then I have to go to the Market to buy some sweets for my sister's birthday party later this week.

My little sister, Ayshia is turning 7. At first, you think that she is the cutest... She is an exact young version of me... But if u have known her for basically half your life you would call her a BRAT. I'm so not kidding. She gets everything she wants and she is such a child. She has been spoiled because our father has been treating her with sweets and candies every week! I rarely ever get sweets even though I'm much older.

You see, our mother passes when Ayshia was just 2, but we have never told her she was gone forever. She's convinced she is still out there and will return someday. My father doesn't want to ruin her happy and imaginative mood with all this because he is frightened that she might run away again. She ran away once when she couldn't find her so she ran away to the dinning room and hid under the table but he is worried she might actually run. He is quite worried because he loves her to death. So attached to that child. Reasons why i question if grown ups actually do grow up.

Like it isn't enough that i have to deal with one child who is a ball of misery, i also have Issac, who is a handful. He is just 4 years old but my, can he yell. If that door ain't shut, I bet you could hear him from the other side on the Wall!

The wall divides the wealthy and the poor. I have never spoke to a peasant child. I really wanna know what its like to live there. I do not like that wall, not one bit. We have no contact with the other people. I wish i can go over there and see what its like...

*This is the prologue of this book. I can't believe I remembered all these details from a dream over 2 weeks ago! Anyways, I'll probably published the first chapter  sometime this week. Probably on the weekend because i have been busy with school. I'm going to bed early because I'm REALLY tired. Good night Wattpad!*

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2015 ⏰

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