For Us To Meet Again [Larry Stylinson One-Shot]

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A/N: I just kind of thought of this while I was browsing tumblr looking for a Larry fanfiction, so I hope you like! It took a little while to write, but I guess that can be observed through the length of this monster. Feel free to vote and comment!

*Any twitter named used is randomly chosen, and if it is in use by anyone, then it is not in any way associated with that person and is purely coincidental.

Any of these * means the beginning or the end of a flashback.

Happy reading!

- Kennadie x

*May be triggering in some places*


The first time Harry sees it is two days after One Direction's album Up All Night debut's in the United Kingdom. He's casually scrolling through his mentions on twitter, subtly checking the response from the fans on the entire album, when it jumps out at him.

@jessiiikay_x: @Harry_Styles u r ugly & worthless. u dont deserve to be in one direction. at least the others have talent. go kill yourself.

He stares at the tweet. He doesn't know how to feel other than to immediately shut down. Harry can feel his body begin to go numb, climbing into a shell where rude comments don't exist. He vaguely hears Louis call for him somewhere else in the flat as his mind lets the comment swim through his brain.

Worthless. She thinks I'm worthless. She thinks I can't sing. His thoughts pause briefly. Is she right?

"Harry," Louis interrupts, unknowingly of course. Harry snaps his head up, looking directly at Louis as he quickly shuts his laptop so that Louis won't see the offending comment. "Are you ready? We need to leave like... now. Or we'll be late for our radio interview with BBC." He doesn't really get the chance to reply before Louis' backing out of the doorway with a raised eyebrow and a pointed look.

Harry sighs and scrubs at his face with his hands. He sits on his bed for only a moment before he heaves himself to his feet. He stumbles from his room with his phone in hand and marches down the hallway towards the living room where he can hear Louis moving around.

"Hey, Lou," he begins. "Let's go. I'm really tired, and I just want to get this over with."

Harry knows he sounds out of character, and he can immediately sense that Louis realizes it too, because his eyes narrow at him. Louis doesn't say anything though, and Harry is grateful for that. Normally Harry is extremely excited for interviews, no matter the type, regardless of how he feels. Even if he's sick, he'll show. He never complains about doing stuff involving his job because he knows he's lucky he got the opportunity that he did.

The tweet had him riled though.

He knew people were cruel and rude, but he never thought they would tell him to kill himself solely because they thought he couldn't sing and thought he was ugly. It didn't make sense to him. It never would.

"Alright," Louis finally said. Harry glanced at him, almost forgetting his presence for a moment. "C'mon, baby." Harry smiled at the term of endearment. He loved when Louis used them. His favorites had always been "baby" and "lovely," but he would never tell that to Louis. He glanced down at Louis' outstretched hand and took it willingly.

However, he knew the second they stepped foot into the lobby, they would have to release their hold on each other.

That was the part Harry hated the most.


"Harry," someone from the management team sighed. "You must understand why we say you have to keep your relationship a secret. It's for the well-being of you, Louis, and your band mates. Basically, the overall success of One Direction. We have no personal problems with you and Louis being a couple. In fact, we're extremely happy for you because we can tell how much you two mean to each other. We're doing this in your best interest."

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