Skulduggery Pleasant - Imagine this

Start from the beginning

“You could have just woke me up in a nice way you know.”

“Believe me I tried, you’re a tough fighter Valkyrie and a seemingly tough sleeper as well.”

She punched his arm playfully.

“Tougher fighter than you though.”

“I rather doubt that, I’m the best there is, ask anyone.”

She gave him a smirk, “I beat you the last two training sessions, you were on the ground begging me to let go of your arm, remember?”

“I haven’t the faintest idea what you’re on about, you have never beaten me, it must have been a ghost.”

“Yeah Skulduggery, your ghost? Really? That’s the best you could come up with?”

“Oh Valkyrie, don’t feel bad. One day you’ll be as great as me and then you’ll see what a burden it is to be so wonderful. I have a headache already.”  

She just laughed at him and changed her tone, sounding a little like an overly excited teenager,

“So what’s up with the case? Any progress? Can you tell me about it? Did you come to ask my help? Want to sit down and talk?”

He tilted his head in that funny way he always does when he’s thinking something over,

“As inviting as that sounds I’m afraid I’ll have to decline.”

Her shoulders sagged and she made a face,

“Well why the hell are you here then?”

“I just came around to see if you’re still alive.”

She looked a little disappointed. “Oh well that sucks.”

 Skulduggery sat down on the office chair and took off his hat.

“Now don’t be too disappointed at least you got to see me, I don’t make special visits to just about anyone you know, you should be honoured I’m even here. You have a international, magical celebrity and war hero in your house.”  

She gave him a half smile,

“Oh mister Pleasant, you have such a big head, I thought you’d have grown out of it by now. One day your ego is going to cause your skull to explode, and I’m not too keen on looking for a new partner.”

He picked up his hat and stood up. “See? You can’t live without me, even you, The Great Valkyrie Cain can’t deny my inevitable style and greatness.”

She just laughed and walked him to the door, “I think I’m a little greater than you though, I am me after all”

“And you think I have a big head? Listen to yourself, and now you’re being mean too.”

“I try.”

“It shows” he said sarcastically.

“So will I be seeing you tomorrow or are you completely independent these days?” She leaned against the doorframe waiting for his reply. He put on his hat and turned to walk.

“I’ll pick you up at eight” he said over his shoulder.

She watched him drive away and couldn’t help whispering an excited “Yes” to herself, her normal little vacation was coming to a sudden, but welcome stop.

She went inside and locked the door behind her, went to the kitchen to make herself another cup of hot chocolate. When she got back to the study she didn’t feel like reading anymore so she went over to the secret passage behind the bookshelf to have a chat with Echo-Gordon. Months before he died, Gordon had encrypted his personality and memories onto an Echo-Stone, this made a hologram-like Gordon appear out of the stone with all of real Gordon’s thoughts, memories and feelings. Echo-Gordon was usually up and about the house day and night but he’s been locking himself away ever since the pizza delivery guy saw him and now thinks the house is haunted. Gordon said it had made a huge hole in his self-esteem and he was now once again very self-conscious about not being a real person. Valkyrie let herself in and looked around, the room was packed full of open books, voice activated voice recorders and notes. Gordon was planning an epic comeback in the world of Literature, dead or not he wanted the world to know that he was the best, of the best. Gordon was standing in the corner muttering to himself and turned around as soon as he heard her.

Skulduggery Pleasant - Imagine thisWhere stories live. Discover now