Chapter 20

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 The reception took place outside in a huge tent, enough to fit 200 Gods and Goddesses and still fit a swimming pool. Hades and I were congratulated by many people, a lot I have never seen, but I thanked them anyway.

"Okay everyone, it's time for the bride and groom's first dance," The best man, Poseidon, announced. Hades guided me to the big empty dance floor as The Muses began harmonizing.

"At last,

My love has come along.

My lonely days are over,

And life is like a song."

I put my arms around Hades neck and laid my head on his chest, while he wrapped his around my waist. I could hear his heart beating at an incredible rate, is that for me?

"Oh yeah, yeah

At last."

I could feel dozens of eyes on us, making me suddenly tense. Then he rubbed the small of my back with his thumb, instantly easing me.

"The skies above are blue.

My heart was wrapped up in clover

The night I looked at you."

"Have I told you that you look absolutely beautiful today?" He whispered.

"No," blood rushed to my cheeks.

"Well, you look absolutely beautiful today, sweetheart," and I melt at his words.

"I found a dream, that I could speak to,

A dream that I can call my own.

I found a thrill to press my cheek to,

A thrill that I have never known."

Man, those women can sing, their harmonies are on point. I was listening to the fast beat of Hades' heart, then he suddenly sang along.

"Oh yeah yeah

You smiled, you smiled

Oh and then the spell was casted.

And here we are in heaven,

for you are mine...

At last,"

His voice was like angels singing, making me weak in the knees. He looked at me the entire time he was singing, like the lyrics were meant for me. I was so mesmerized that I couldn't hear the loud clapping.

"You have an amazing singing voice," I blurted out, almost immediately, I blushed red. He chuckled whole heartedly

"Thank you," he said amused.

We stopped dancing and headed to our seats (which were right next to each other) on the long table close to the wall of the tent. Once everyone sat down, Poseidon, who was next to Hades, stood up with his champagne in his hand, held up a knife and gently tapped it against the glass, loud enough to echo around for everyone to hear. He cleared his throat before talking.

"Everyone, I would like to make a toast, to the Groom and Bride. The happy couple, may their happiness be complete, their marriage long and prosperous and every wedding speech they hear be funnier and shorter than mine. To Hades and Persephone," the cheering lasted five seconds before he said a few words, "Let the feast, begin."

Just as he said that, dozens of waiters and waitresses walked out with the entree, and served them to everyone. It was a medium rare ribeye with sauteed mushrooms on top, and on the side were mashed potatoes. I was touched that they knew my favorite food. I began to dig in and finished all of it in a matter of minutes. 


Votes, shares and comments are very much appreciated, now I sound desperate, oh well.

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