My Attempt @ Rap

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Tick tock my minds spinning round like a old skull clock,
Thinking rhymes,
Licking the air brushing hairs,
Looking at you in disparities,
Question your moralities.

Life isn't so simple as suffocatin,
Try live though your not living,
Die as your deceeding,
Keep breathing,
Be a sheep keepa following so blindly,
Be the prey, I'll be the wolf waiting to eat you whole.
Throw you in the dark,
Keep away the key,
Leave you away like a disease slowly bleeding,
Never proceeding,
Slowly bleeding see you no longer breathing,
Push you away bury ten feet down,
No ones going to see you no more,
Bury you down in the deep cold ground,
St. Peter ain't gonna think of you, call on you,
While I'm proceeding even breathing.

How was it?

Keepin track of the possibilities,
Fease abilities of your little come backs,
Take a crack Jack spit out something wack,
I'll be happy to take a crack.

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