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Dan's p.o.v.

I blinked back the tears that were threatening my eyes as I bitterly stuffed a small amount of dirty, ripped clothing into a small, black garbage bag. It was happening again, I was being removed from my foster home. This time, just like every other time, I was blamed for my own removal.

I had to stand at the door of the house that Ive never even planned on calling my home, and listen to my so called foster "family" cry fake sobs and attempt to hug me, saying goodbye and that they were sorry that it turned out this way.

They weren't sorry. None of them are ever sorry. If they were sorry, they would have kept trying to warm up to me. They would actually act like they cared.

"Look, Dan, I hate to say this, but this is getting out of hand. I've given you as many chances as I possibly can, but after this foster home, you're going to have to move to America. We've tried almost every possible place anywhere in Europe and you've been removed from most all of them. You're only fifteen, son, you need to find a family and plant your roots. This is the best family I could find. They have a young girl at the age of seven. They're a good people, Daniel, make this one last."

I ignored his speaking and stared out the tinted window of the car, completely emotionlessly, watching as the groups of people flew by in a colorful blur, going about their perfect lives. I've always wondered what it would be like to have a normal life. A real family, with a mom, and as dad, and annoying siblings that always drive you mad but you love them anyway.

To be able to go to school, one school with lots of friends and people you know. To play video games and binge on popcorn with your best friends, to be able to laugh and smile and be truly happy.

I wanted nothing more but to have that happen to me. But I knew I wasn't even close to worth it or deserving it. Even so, I couldn't help but dream about what it would be like. What it would feel like to be hugged and told that I was loved, and be able to know that it's the truth.

My thoughts were shattered when Jason, my foster care director, stopped the car and turned to face me,

"We're here, lets go meet your new family shall we?" He smiled with such a fake smile that it made me feel sick to my stomach.

I rolled my eyes and slowly got out of the car, stepping into the cold, dark air. After ringing the doorbell, we stood in silence for a few seconds. I quickly pulled my sweatshirt sleeves down to my knuckles a split second before the door swung open to reveal a couple with huge smiles on their faces.

"Hello! You must be Daniel! Oh god you're so adorable come in, come in, dear!" The woman babbled as she gently took my hand and pulled me inside.

I cringed at her touch and pulled away quickly, following her inside anyway. It was a pretty okay house for a foster home. It looked like a normal house that normal people lived in. I doubted it would turn out to be that way.

"My name is Mary and this is Mark, it's so nice to meet you, dear!" She smiled at me warmly, sending a shiver up my spine. Why the hell was she being so nice to me? I mean they usually start out nice but not this nice..

The man's deep chuckle fills the room as he walked toward me, holding out his hand for me to shake,

"Forgive my wife, son, she's a bit overly-excited about your stay. My name is Mark and it is a pleasure to meet you, Daniel."

I stared at his hand for a few seconds, then looked up at him,

"Actually, it's Dan, please just call me Dan." I corrected, Mark and Mary both nodded in understanding.

"Yes of course! Our daughter Alison is inside, would you like to meet her?"

I put on a fake smile and nodded, she clapped her hands in excitement, "Okay! Come in, cone in dear!" I nodded again and followed her upstairs.

This was going to be a fail...



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