☆☾4☽☆ His side of the deal

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The next day, Coulson come to pick Clint up in a grey, inconspicuous-looking S.H.I.E.L.D car.

"I'm so glad of your enlisting, Clint." Coulson chirped.

Clint muttered something under his breath, along the lines of him not voluntarily accepting the job, and that he was far from glad in reality.

If Coulson heard, he didn't respond to it, but continued about what Clint was to expect - training, missions etc.

Walking through the maze of steel walls at S.H.I.E.L.D base, Clint let his sharp eyes take in every activity going on around him.

"Where's Nick Fury?" He wondered.

"He's having a meeting with the Council members. And you should address him as Director, Clint. It's all about hierarchy here."

Clint wasn't exactly listening as his eyes were glued to the archery range they were walking past. It was everything he could ever imagine - shelves that held a myriad of different arrows, a wall with bows of every design, targets set at multiple heights and distances. Clint couldn't help but mentally drool over all the wonders he had just witnessed, and he sure couldn't wait to have a try.

Walking without looking is very much undesirable, for that was when he bumped into someone, knocking a folder off the person's hands and sending it flying to the ground.

"Sorry." Clint mumbled apologetically as he bent down to pick the folder off the ground.

By then, Coulson, who was walking in front, had spun round at the commotion.

"Good morning, Agent Coulson." A sweet, melodious voice greeted.

Clint stood up with the folder in hand and came face to face with a beautiful blonde.

"Agent Morse, this is Clint Barton, the new recruit." Coulson introduced.

Clint returned the folder and shared a handshake with said Agent Morse.

"Hi, you can call me Bobbi." She smiled pleasantly.

Clint nodded and returned a small smile. He turned to continue on with Coulson but found him speaking through his earpiece.

He replied a few 'yes sir's in a serious and professional tone before pressing a button on his earpiece, ending the call.

"Agent Morse, could you show Clint around? The Director has asked for me." Agent Morse nodded and waved him a quick goodbye as Coulson scurried off.

"So, where shall I show you first? Have you seen any place that interests you?"

Clint grinned, "The archery range, please."


After brief tours of the archery range, combat training facilities, the lounge, and cafeteria, Coulson was back to take over.

"See you around, Clint." Bobbi said as she excused herself. Clint could swear he saw the brief flutter of her eyelashes at him, Hawkeye never misses anything.

After staring a little dumbfounded at her leaving figure, Coulson shoved a piece of paper into his hands.

"This is your training schedule. I'm your handler, or mentor if you prefer, from now on. Come to me if you have any problems." Coulson explained and led Clint to the sleeping quarters.

"This is your room," he tapped on the door before them.

"But my-" Clint was cut off by Coulson.

"Don't worry, I've settled your rented room, this month's rental has already been paid. Your stuff are all inside."

Clint gasped at the efficiency and foresight of this organization he now worked for.

Coulson waved a plastic card in front of him before slotting it into the card reader by the door. The steel door slid open.

"Here's your access card. It's like an ID and it allows you to enter places applicable to your clearance level." He dropped the card in Clint's hands.

Clint entered the darkened room and Coulson followed behind him, flicking on the light switch.

It was a simple room - a single bed, a desk and chair, a closet, and an adjoining bathroom. Clint's belongings were in two big bags by the closet.

"Congratulations on becoming a level one agent of S.H.I.E.L.D, Clint. Just do your job well and you will be duly paid. Be punctual for training tomorrow morning." Coulson reminded before leaving the room.

Clint sat down on the bed after hearing the door slide to a close. He fished out his phone and proceeded to text Natasha. He found that the location service was on lockdown due to the secrecy of the S.H.I.E.L.D base.

Hey Sweetheart, I've just settled into my new job environment. Don't worry about me, the people here take really good care of me. They have sleeping quarters here so I've left my rented room at Mr Grimes.  I can't tell you where I'm staying, but all I can say is that they have an awesome archery range here. My work schedule is kinda packed but I promise to visit you whenever I have time. Love you :)

Clint pressed 'send' and lay down on the bed, phone in hand awaiting Natasha's reply.

He had almost fallen asleep when he felt a vibration in his palm.

I'm really happy you've found a job that suits you. I'm just sad we'll see each other less, but I guess it's okay as long as you're away from Mr Grimes' hazardous smoke ;) Good night and love you too •3• ~ <3

Clint chuckled at Natasha's reply, at the same time feeling warm and fuzzy on the inside.

He closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep after setting the alarm on his phone, he wasn't going to risk getting scolded for being late on his first day of training.

And so it was the beginning of his side of the deal, Clint hoped that it'd be a good start.

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I'll fight for you (Clintasha)✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon