Pain Is Fucked

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*note, anything italicized is what Eren is thinking (unless used otherwise)
*btw. this takes place on Eren's first day of his 2nd year in high school.

Anything written like this is Erens inner logic, or whatever you'd call it.

3rd Person

Eren tripped and fell out of his bathroom, blood pouring out of his left wrist, failing, not once, but twice to stand back up before managing to balance on his shaking legs again. His right hand held a blood-covered razor.
Eren stumbled down the stairs, running into the tan walls more than once. However, for the 16 year old brunette, everyday started out like this. After he'd get dressed, in his typical emo attire, Eren would walk off into the bathroom, which used to be shared with his sister, mother, and father, then cut his wrist- or anywhere in his body that didn't already have a scar on it- with a razor blade. But it's not his fault he's like this; his life's been shit for nearly... five, maybe... six years? Eren couldn't really remember when it all started. When his mother passed, he guessed.
Tossing the small blade behind him (God knows where it landed), he threw on a baggy sweater that had been laying on his table next to a plate of yesterday's untouched dinner, before grabbing his black and white checkered backpack and leaving for school. This morning, Eren accidentally cut deeply into his wrist, missing the vein by a hair But still causing him to loose a crap ton of blood. luckily, the bleeding stopped, but Eren was sill dizzy... which, on his part, wasn't great. He still had to drive to the high school. To make matter even worse, his destination just happened to be seven miles away.
Great way to make a first impression you son of a bitch.
After stepping- well, falling- into the black Cadillac, Eren started the car and backed out of the driveway. Once in the road, he looked both ways to check if it'd be safe to go any further.
to my left : nothing.
right... Car!
When he spotted the unidentified, maroon car speeding his way, Eren floored it in the direction to the school. He wasn't exactly sure why he was so panicky on the road, but he just was. Ever since his mother died, he'd had been afraid of cars- real or fake.
Panting heavily, he turned left- no, right! Then left again! In what seemed like just seconds, Eren arrived at the school. He took his phone out of his pocket and glared at the screen.
damn. I'm an hour late.
which, honestly, is his best time in two years. the latest was somewhere from noon to one in the afternoon.... Oh well.
once again, shit brain, great way to make that first impression...
Eren ran through the hall, trying to make it to his...
he took out a hand-written schedule out of his folder, which had blood stains on it already, somehow.
....English. Fuck. I have English class. and I just missed math class. way to go, shitty brat.
sighing, Eren slowed down, not caring whether he was late or not. Continuing to walk down the dead-silent hallway, then stopping outside the door of the obviously labeled English room. Then, because he's Eren, he dropped his notebook, the loud talking from behind the door stopping, causing Eren's breath to hitch when the door flung open.
"'The hell are you doing out here, brat?" the teacher started. Surprised by his teacher's foul mouth, Eren nodded quickly and picked up his stuff, before following his teacher inside.
"Jaeger, right?" the teacher asked, now at his desk flipping through a list of students.
Eren nodded, and began to walk closer to the man, but stopping immediately when he started talking again.
"Looks like you're seated by the blond mushroom in the back- New student, his name's Armin," he stated, pointing at the boy in the second-to-last row, "now go sit down before I change my mind and send you to the principal's office- you were late, might I remind you."

Eren sighed, and walked over to his assigned seat in between this "Armin" kid and the window. 

Surprised by his new classmate's odd attire, Armin glanced away nervously. Eren noticed this, and immediately grew worried- as usual. But... Eren hated to be judged, or even see others being judged. Thoughts rushed back and forth threw his head.

Does he not like how I look?

Does he think I look bad?

Do I really look horrible?

Yes. Yes you do. Just tune everything out and continue on with life, already. No one cares what he thinks.

Right. Okay.

Eren looked out the window, ignoring Armin. The scenery was beautiful; roses growing around a cherry tree, tulips painted the grass near an old cemetery-

"Oi, brat."

Eren snapped from his thoughts, and bolted his head away from the window and focused on his teacher, who was standing in front of him, now.

You're gay, right? He is pretty hot, you know.

Not now. And I'm not gonna date a teacher who already hates me- looks don't count.

Eren cocked his head and pointed at himself. He never talked much- if at all. Too scared. People might make fun of how fast or how slow he talks. Maybe how high or low his voice is. Maybe the actions he can't help but make with his hands while speaking. There's hundreds of things about Eren to make fun of. And Eren did care. 


Once again, Eren jumped, his eyes darting back to his teacher, nodding.

"Class was dismissed five minutes ago. It's lunch time- and you'll be in here the whole time. For both being late and not paying attention during class- I'm sure your friends won't mind."

And with that, the teacher walked off. And for the first time, Eren noticed how sexy his raven black hair was- not to mention how great that colour went with the undercut. 

He stood up, leaving his stuff on his desk, and walking downstairs to the lunchroom. On his way there, however, he felt as if he didn't need to eat. But that's not the end of the world. He hasn't eaten in four weeks, but look- he's still alive, right? 


In the English room, Eren sat at his desk, writing "der Schmerz wird gefickt, aber sie lehrt" over and over again on his notebook cover. His teacher walked over to him from behind, but Eren didn't even notice until he spoke up, "what're you writing, brat?"

Eren gasped, and, out of reflex, threw the notebook across the room. Sighing, Eren stood up and picked it up before walking back to his seat and sitting back down. The raven haired teacher read the writing, then took a pen out of his pocket and bent over beside Eren, writing below Eren's quote.

Je sais, mais Ive a appris à vivre avec elle.


Eren's writing: The pain is fucked, but it teaches in German

Levi's writing: I know, but I've learned to live with it In French 

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