Chapter 4

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Erik was in his place of bliss, the stereo was blasting, making the house shake, his canvas was set up in front of him, his brush was dipped in paint.  He ran the brush over the canvas, moving to the rhythm of the music.  His art studio was located in the loft area of their house, it was lit by an overly large skylight, was open and spacious.  He had multiple pieces of work strewn throughout the room, some finished, some not. 

                A song with a heavy beat began pouring through the speakers, Erik’s head bobbing in response.  He began to sing along, swaying his hips and shimmying his shoulders.  He began to spin around but gasped in response to what he saw.

                He jumped backwards and stumbled over.

                “What the heck?  Alyssa.” His face went from panicked to soft and surprised. “When did you get home?” He got up off the floor and smiled at her. “I didn’t hear you… not over the…”

                “Music?” she interrupted him, her million dollar smile shining. “To busy busting your moves?” she laughed and began moving her hips and body in a seducing way to the music.

                She straightened up and gave him a hug.

                “You’re not usually home this early… that’s all.” He pouted defensively. 

                She smiled at him warmly.  He was so cute.  How did she get this lucky, she thought.  He was smart and caring and creative… and all he wanted was a baby.  She shuddered and stepped back, replacing her sudden frown with a fake smile.

                “Well I am going to go make dinner, how about you get dressed…” she examined his paint-covered clothes. “and then meet me downstairs.”

                Erik smiled and nodded, once she disappeared down the steep stairs he turned the stereo off and put away his paints.  By the time he was finished cleaning, he could hear her puttering around in the kitchen, pots clattering, the creaky fridge opening and then closing.

                He made his way down the stairs, running his hands through his hair, wondering whether or not he could make it another day without a shower.  He rubbed his hair in between two fingers… ehhhhh… he thought for a moment. Sure why not, it’s fine.

                He walked into his bedroom, just about to strip his shirt, when he froze.  There was the quilt, the baby-making quilt, folded neatly and carefully and left on the corner of the bed.  A piece of eerily white paper, folded if half, sat on top.

                Erik let go of the edges of his shirt and made his way to the bed, slowly, his breath shallowing.  Was this it?  Was she breaking up with him in a note?  What was it?  She was still down stairs… his mind raced.

                He unfolded the paper, which sure enough contained Alyssa’s perfect handwriting.

The baby-making quilt?  Really?  Well… If you think a little thing like this will set me off then you’re wrong. 

I love you.  And a baby won’t change that.

                Erik reread the short note again.  And again.  And again.  What did this mean?  Would she have the baby? 

                Forgetting about changing he dashed down the stairs, taking two at a time, careful not to trip.

                “Alyssa?” Erik held the note in my outstretched hand. “What does this mean?  Will you?”  His heart pounded against his chest. “Will you have a baby?”

                Alyssa smiled and dropped the wooden spoon into the pot. “Erik.  I love you.  I have since the moment I laid eyes on you and I will till the moment I die.  I can’t imagine not being with you and I can’t imagine me not doing my all to make you happy.  So yes.  I’ll have your baby.”

                Erik stood for a moment, stunned.  His jaw dropped and his eyes grew to the size of saucers.  Then after a second hesitation, he bounded across the kitchen, as excited as a child on Christmas morning.

                He squeezed her tightly in a bear hug, lifting her off the ground, his muscles flexing.

                He began to sputter, words of disbelief and insane joy flowed through his mouth.  He was going to have a baby.  He was going to be a father.

                                This is short.  I know.  But!  I totally know whats happening next and it is DRAAAAMMMAAAAAA!  I will not be updating this weekend because I am going hiking.  Will be back on Monday but maaayyyy update tomorrow before I leave if I have time.  OOHHHHHH the excitement.  Please comment, vote, fan, add to library, tell others to read!  THANKS!

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