I stood in front of the mirror wearing a little black dress, and my hair was done in curls. I brushed a sparkling grey eyeshadow across my eyelids, applied a light blush, and dabbed on lip gloss. With every movement of my head, my eyes sparkled and my lips shined in the light. Now, if only Edward could hurry and get here. I slipped on my heels as I looked at the clock. He should be here any minute.

I convinced Bella yesterday that we should go on a double date, her and Jacob, and Edward and I. It took a bit of encouragement, but I finally did it. I told her how I haven't met Jacob and wanted to see how cute he was. That's when she admitted that she was looking forward to seeing Jacob again and that we should go out tonight. Once we made arrangements, I phoned Edward and told him we were double dating Bella and Jacob. I told him to pick me up at seven.

I heard his car pulling up, and was outside before he had time to put his car in park. I slid in the passenger seat with a smile, telling him we were going back to Port Angeles to eat at Bella Italia. Edward said nothing, just looked at me.

"What?" I asked him. "We need to get going, Edward."

Edward touched my hair. "I like your hair like this."

I was mildly annoyed. Was that the only compliment I was going to get from him? "That's great, now can we go?"

"Audrey," he shook his head, then stared at me. "You look beautiful."

That's what I wanted to hear, I smiled at him. "Thank you. You look good, as well."

And he did. He was wearing a light blue button-up with khaki's, and dress shoes. I saw that he even had a black dress jacket in the backseat.

"In case it's cold," he explained. "We have to keep up appearances."

"Maybe I should have thought of that," I muttered, and noticed we were already on the road to the restaurant. 

"The other reason I brought it was so I could let you wear it, in case you were cold," Edward said, letting out a small chuckle.

I shook back my hair. "Are you serious? I'll be okay. I'm a woman, and I can handle the cold better than any man."

Edward laughed. "Were you like this as a human?"

"Joseph told me that even though I never let anyone really get close to me, I was a human worth knowing. He said I always brightened people's days," I told him.

"So he knew you as a human?" Edward asked me.

I watched as we passed the other cars. "Oh, no. I don't think so. He told me that he had his eye on me since I was little, said there was always something special about me." I looked at Edward who had a frown on his face. "What?"

"It just seems weird to me, is all," Edward said. 

"I guess so," I shrugged, and watched as we drove through Port Angeles, and arrived at the restaurant. 

Bella was already there, a boy standing next to her. The boy had beautifully tan skin, long, glossy black hair that was tied back in a ponytail, and his face still had that childish baby fat to it. But he was still cute and towered over Bella. I looked at Edward with a raised brow and got out of the car with Edward following.

Bella looked at Edward with awe and the same with me. The boy, who I'm assuming is Jacob, looked me over and did the same with Edward.

I smiled at him. "You must be Jacob, I'm Audrey."

"Nice to meet you," Jacob said, shaking my hand then Edwards. "And you are?"

"Edward," he told Jacob.

"Well, we're starving," Jacob said, grabbing ahold of Bella's hand, and we followed him inside.

The waitress who seated us couldn't stop staring at Edward, or me for that matter. "What can I get for you guys today?" She turned her body in a way that it seemed to me that she was ignoring Bella and Jacob, though she did eye Jacob for a second.

"We'll take a water," I told her. Edward and I discussed this over the phone, we'll eat light, and puke it up later. Of course, it sounds nasty, but our bodies don't digest food like humans, and we don't want to risk getting ourselves sick later.

"We'll have the same," Jacob told the waitress.

Edward looked at me with a smile and lowered his voice. "She thinks we're beautiful people."

I swallowed a laugh and looked at Jacob. "So, tell us about yourself."

"There's really not much to tell," Jacob admitted with an almost nervous laugh. "I'm sure Bella has told you everything you really need to know."

"I suppose so," I said. "How long have you known Bella?"

"We met when we were younger, but I don't think we actually got to get to know each other until we met at First Beach," Jacob told me.

I nodded my head. "Well, you seem very sweet."

Jacob nodded his head but didn't smile. "Thanks."

"Jacob?" Bella said in a low voice, she thought she was whispering to him. "Are you okay?"

"I just feel a little sick, I can make it through dinner," Jacob reassured her. 

Taking a closer look at Jacob, I noticed a thin layer of sweat covered him, and his face looked slightly flushed. I elbowed Edward and pointed at Jacob.

"I know," Edward told me in a low voice.

"Are you sure you're okay? We can do this another time," Bella told him, already standing up with her jacket.

Jacob closed his eyes for a moment and finally nodded his head. "Yeah. Let's get out of here."

"I'll see you guys Monday," Bella said, and taking Jacob's hand, took him outside.

"I hope you get better!" I called after them.

"Definitely a werewolf," Edward told me while motioning to the waitress. She quickly strode over to him. "Can we get the check?"

"But, you haven't even ordered yet." She said, seeming to almost pout.

I looked at her, keeping her attention from Edward. "I'll be honest, we don't really like Italian food. We just came here for our friends, who in case you haven't noticed, left. So may we get the check, please?"

Looking annoyed, she slammed the check down on our table and stormed off. "I think I'll just leave cash," Edward said, leaving a twenty-dollar bill on the table, and we quickly left.

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