Chapter 7

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" Wake up, now" John said to me.
I jumped up to see John shaking me and people panicking all around me.
" What's wrong" i said to him.
" They haven't said but the plane is moving uncontrollably" he said freaking out.
I then looked out the window. All you can see is white, nothing but white, cold snow.
"Look" i said to him pointing out the window.
He then looked but all of a sudden you hear a loud voice come over the intercom.
" Everyone calm down! This is your Pilot speaking. The snow is so strong that I cannot see to steer and our signals are not working. We are in a really bad situation at this moment. If everyone would please stay calm and take your seats. We are not very sure of where we are but we know that we are in the United States and only 7 hours away from reaching L.A but without our signals, we don't know where we are but we will work this out." he said in a stern voice.
" Oh no! This is not good" Donna said rubbing her head.
"I mean, this plane could honestly crash and we could never make it home. It has happened before." John said still freaking out.
All around me people were really upset. Some people even crying.
" What if we all die?" i heard someone saying beside me.
" I'm not ready to die!" i lady said across from the other side of the plane.
" I got a family to see" a man said while rubbing his head.
I thought about all of this but the one that killed me the most was this little boy, who looked about the age of four, sitting on the other side of the Isle.
" Mama, what would happen if we die, and Santa doesn't come?" he said in a soft voice.
" Well, we would be in heaven with Jesus this Christmas" she said almost breaking down in tears.
" Does Jesus want us there?" he said.
" Yes, he wants us all there" she said shedding a tear.
I said there thinking of everything I have done in my life, all the bad, all the regrets. Would Jesus still love me, even if I have done all this bad?
" John can I talk to you?" i said trying to hold in the tears.
" Yeah, Yeah sure" he said wiping tears from his face. He looked like he had been crying.
" If i died right now, I know i wouldn't be in heaven. I want to be there, with Jesus, but I have filled my life with a of this sin and I didn't have faith that God was real but now, i feel his presence. I feel like he wants me to do something but i don't know. I have pushed God out of my life and treated him a fake because i felt like he was making my life worse." i said almost crying.
" God isn't making your life worse, Satan is. You are just blaming God for all the things Satan has done." he said looking me in the eyes.

" Will God save me, even if I have done all this bad?" I said crying.

"Yes, God forgives you of all sin, you just have to ask for forgiveness, and repent of your sins" he said back to me.

I shook my head yes. My heart was beating so fast and I felt a state of calmness.

" Let's Pray" he said to me while putting his hand on my back.

While John said the prayer aloud, he made me repeat what he was saying. I felt good, and new. I felt like a big weight had been taken off my shoulders and God had taken a big load off my shoulders. I felt like a new person, I had a new life.
" Amen" John said finishing off the prayer.

" Congratulations" Donna said to me.

" Thank you" I said while wiping tears from my face.

"I'm happy for you buddy" John said patting my shoulder.

We might be on a plane, lost in the middle of nowhere, and stranded for life, but at least the grace of God was among us.
Authors note
Hey guys! I know that in the song above it does mention a girl, who is in her bedroom, all alone and that part has nothing to do with the book but the reason I added this song to this part of the book was because I thought the other lyrics of the song went well with chapter. It talks about repenting of your sins and giving them all to God, and that's what Dan did. It might feel like no one is there for you, but God always is! It holds all of us in his hands and never lets go! God holds all of our lifes in his hands, he holds our future! It doesn't matter how bad of a person you are or how good of a person you are! God loves all of us and created each and every one of us wonderfully and beautifully. So listen to this song as many times as you like and listen to it when you need it! I love you all!

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