Chapter One

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"Anna it's time to go! You have two seconds to get to the car!" Terry yelled up at me.

"Why do I have to go? There are plenty of other kids there," I yelled back. At the time I had been laying on my bed with my CD player playing music next to me and trying to get out of the adoption fair. Crowded areas and pressure don't work well with me at all.

"Anna, c'mon, just come for me. I don't want to sit alone the whole time. Please?" Terry said coming to my door way. He leaned his head that is covered with shiny deep auburn hair on the door frame and shoved his tanned hands into the pockets of his dark slacks. His dark green shirt mimicked the colour in his deep set eyes that were pleading me to come with him. Terry was my social worker. He had been monitoring my care since I entered the residential care facility at the age of seven, working hard to find me a family. He came to the group home twice a week to check up on me and occasionally to take me to events that potential parents may be at.

I was in the home because I had messed up a few times in actual foster homes where I was in a family setting. I had been having a hard time trying to accept that someone might actually want me. I figured if my biological parents didn't want me why would anyone else and when Terry told me he would stick with me until I found a family, I realized it was possible for others to actually care too.

I rolled over and propped myself on my elbows and gave him a flat look. "I hate when you guilt me into going," I told him.

"So does that mean you're coming?" he asked.

"Yes," I sighed as I got up. Telling him the true reason I didn't want to go was a definite no. That can't happen.

I looked into my small mirror and decided I looked good enough. My long wavy dark blond hair was in a loose ponytail and my shirt and jeans seemed nice enough.

"Do I look okay?" I asked Terry.

"Beautiful, like always!" he said as he pulled me into a hug. Sometimes it irritates me when he tells me this, but I usually just go along with it.

"Thanks, you don't look too bad yourself," I replied, purposely bumping into him. I smirked up at him as he did it back to me. He led me down the stairs and to his nice black car that he always let me ride shotgun in. The car was parked in front of the old home we used for a group home. The home is a three story house, my room is on the second floor. All girls live there. The walls were painted an eggshell white, that might have actually just been white but was discolored after all the years. All the furniture was mismatched and old lady like. Usually there were up to seven girls living in the home at once.

"Shotgun?" I asked Terry.

"Of course!" He said opening the door for me.

I hop in and he closed the door before going to the other side and getting in. The drive took about fifteen minutes to the park that the fair was at.

When we got there we had to help set up for the fair. This included putting cloths on the tables and put the chips and stuff out. After setting up the potential parents began to show up.

I found Terry with his social worker name tag on and he handed me my own name tag so the parents knew that I was an option. His was green while mine was orange so they could easily pick out social workers from kids. I stuck it to my shirt and took a seat next to him.

"See any parents you would like?" he asked.

"Not really," I told him as I looked around.

"Hmm, what about that gay couple that just walked in with bodyguards?" he asked. I looked in the direction he was pointing to and immediately gave a look of disgust- which was nothing new at these fairs, all the parents got one. The taller man had light blond hair that looked like it was pushed back, it was short on the sides and long on top. He had a dark shirt on and light loose pants that were rolled up to be capris and his feet were clad in a pair of black flip flops. His eyes were covered with shades and his skin was pale, making his light stubble and his pink lips pop. The shorter of the two had longer light brown hair that had blond highlights. His skin was tan, almost golden, and his eyebrows were dark and thick. He was wearing a light red shirt that looked a bit faded and khakis. His eyes were also covered in shades.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2017 ⏰

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