Back to Waterloo

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"Hmm..." Sherlock says. He whips out his portable magnifying glass and walks towards the vase. He gets real close to it, examine every inch of it, as if there would be a speck of dust that would be important.



"Do you have a broom?" He asks.

"Umm, yeah? Why?"

Sherlock simply smirks as he picks up the vase of flowers and drops it onto your hardwood floor making it shatter. Broken pieces of the glass vase go everywhere. Everything seemed normal until you saw it. You saw yet another note.

Sherlock grins even wider, meaning he was correct about the secret something inside. He bends down and grabs the small paper, holding it up to the light and examining it.

"You better read this." He says, handing you the paper.

Dear Y/N,

I'm sorry I was so loud earlier.
I was trying to get your attention,
But you just ran and ran to your shining night in armor.
All I wanted to do was talk.
Tell you who I am, show you who I am.
Once you know me, dear, I'm sure you'll love me.
Love me more than that night in our game.
Oh darling, I warned you, didn't I?
I took out a pawn on your side of the chess board.
I hope you don't miss your mother too much.
But, just like in a game of chess, you must remove certain people in order to get the queen.
My darling,
I'm the king and you are the queen.


You drop the note and immediately take out your phone, dialing your mother's number. Someone picks up on the other side.

"Mom!! Mom?!" You screech into the phone, tears escaping your eyes.

You here a low chuckle on the other side.
"This isn't your mother, darling. She is here though, if you'd like to say something to her." A man's voice greets you; he has a bit of an accent, but you just can't tell what it is.

You stand there, shocked. Who ever this man is, he has your mother. He will do anything to get you, even if it meant destroying everything you know and love, just to get to you.

"Oh Y/N, I know you may be shocked. But it's okay. Mother is fine, for now."

"D-don't hurt her...please..." You manage to let out.

"Aww, my queen, I'm sorry but I just can't do that. Say goodbye to your daughter,

You hear a familiar voice speak up from the background. "B-bye, Y/N. I-I love you." Your mother was sobbing by the end of that sentence. You hear a breath come from the other side of the phone. "Y/N!" Your mother nearly screams. "Don't listen to this man! Do what you w-" your mothers words were cut off by a gunshot. You slowly sit down on the corner of your bed as you probably couldn't stand anyways. Your heart just shattered.

The man's voice returns, breaking the silence. "I'm sorry, Y/N. I truly am." He chuckles, "But in order to win the game, some people must fall. And I want to win. The prize is you."

There is a silence between the two of you. On the other side of the line, there is a grinning man, but on your side of the line, you're silently sobbing.

"My queen, it wouldn't have to be this way if you just listened to my first note. Goodbye, Y/N." The phone call ends and you slowly put it down.

You look up and Sherlock, and he just stares blankly back at you.

"So, Y/N, what happened?" He asks like nothing is wrong.

"M-my mother i-is dead." You state. "He shot her when I was talking to her."

"Oh." Sherlock responds. "Where does your mother live? I can send Lestrade over to check things out." He offers.

"Yes, that'd be great." You sniffle. You hand Sherlock your phone and it is on the contact page of your mother. The contact page includes her address.

Sherlock takes your mobile and walks out of the room, calling Lestrade and telling him about what happened and asked for police to go over to your mothers house.

Sherlock comes back in the room, and hands you your phone. "They are on their way to your mothers house."

You nod, not knowing how to feel inside. Sherlock looks at you concerned, and offers you his hand. You look at him confused but take it anyways. He helps you up. "Do you want to pack anything before we go?"

"Go where?" You ask, confused.

"To 221B of course."

"Why would I need my stuff?"

"Well, I thought you wouldn't want to be here, and I'm sure Ms. Hudson would lend you a room for the time being."

"Oh." You say back. "Can I bring P/N? Or is it no pets allowed?"

"You should bring P/N. To keep you company."

You let out a small smile, knowing that you'll be able to bring P/N along.

You immediately go to your room and pack clothes for about a week, and you grab some food and supplies for P/N.

Walking back out to Sherlock, you say, "I'm ready to go." And let out a weak smile.

He takes your hand and leads you out the door and takes P/N (who is in her/his traveling kennel) in his other hand. He carefully puts the kennel down and waves the other hand, calling for a taxi, but he still does not let go of your left hand. The taxi comes speedy quick and P/N, Sherlock, and you get into the vehicle and drive away.

Sherlock still hasn't let go of your hand yet. It makes you happy inside.

Maybe he does care. Maybe he does like me. Or he's just being Sherlock and trying to make me feel better, if that's his goal, he's achieving.

The two of you quickly arrive at 221B Baker Street. Driving is obviously much faster than walking. When the taxi stops in front of Sherlock's flat, he lets go of your hand.

'No... Please hold my hand again.' You thought to yourself.

This time Sherlock actually paid the cabbie, instead of quickly hopping out and leaving you to pay it. Sherlock helps you with your things and let's you into the building owned by Ms. Hudson. You step into the familiar flat and sigh.

A new home, once again.


Hey guys! Sorry it has been awhile, and since it took awhile for me to update, I did 1732 words! Man, that's a lot! I'm sorry the story seems to be moving along slowly, but I'm trying to make it good and detailed. I am open to constructive criticism, so please give me some! I don't even know if I'm doing good or not. I can't really fix it if I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Anywayssss, thanks for reading!

SentimentOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora