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      Marishka shot upright when loud rock music started blasting through the car. Out of habit she scanned the car, even though she already knew who the jerk responsible for disturbing her much-needed sleep was. It was still dark out, there was no way they were in Jericho, California already. Marishka was starting to regret sleeping shot gun in Dean's Impala. "What the hell?!" she screamed at her older brother, pushing him gently.
"We are almost at Stanford." He said, smirking at her.
"I thought we were going to go find dad?" She asked, scowling. She was in no mood for pointless detours.
"We are, we just need to convince Sam to come with us first."
"Dean, no! He wanted out of this, we aren't going to drag him back in!" She pleaded.
Dean rolled his eyes. He didn't get why Marishka was so set on letting Sam go to college. Sure, she got good grades back when she went, but she always hated school. "We will need his nerd smarts to help us anyway, and he doesn't pick up the damn phone when we call."
"Fine, but if he yells at us I'm throwing you under the bus."
"Go ahead." He said, chuckling when she stuck her tongue out at him.
Dean pulled up into a garage like area and stopped. Marishka got out and looked around, a little surprised at how big the campus actually was. Dean came around the back of the car to where she stood, looking around as well, but quickly snapping out of it and quickly explaining the plan, leading the way inside.
"We could knock." Marishka points out.
"Wheres the fun in that?" That was enough to convince her, she is always up for a challenge. Dean smashed the window and unlocked it, opening it so they could easily slip in. They made it to the kitchen before Marishka, being the klutz she was, hit her hip on the table, which caused a loud thump. Dean threw her a glare before he dashed past the door way, Sam had to be here somewhere. Marishka looked around the average size kitchen. How did he afford a dorm like this anyway? She can kinda see the slight appeal college held for Sam, besides being able to get away from their annoying big brother, not that she would ever abandon Dean like that.
She was kinda happy Sam might be coming. Even though Dean is a lot of fun to be around, she's getting tired of hanging out with someone six years older then her all the time, and she will admit it, she missed him.
They continued to looks for Sam throughout the apartment, stopping when they came to a room with a couch and a TV. It really was a pretty big dorm, he even had something like a tv, but why would he need a couch? He doesn't have friends ever. With a sudden movement out of the corner of her eye, Marishka turns her head to see Sam popped up from the hall, throwing himself at Dean, fists flying.
Marishka hitting the table had woken Sam up, he had carefully got out of bed and had made his way down the hall when he then saw someone, or something, pass in front of the kitchen doorway, which lead him to where he is now. With a quick series of punches, kicks, and blocks, from both boys, Dean achieved at pinning the 22 year old on his back. Marishka just shook her head, this is why they should've knocked.
"Whoa, easy tiger." Dean whispered with a chuckle.
Realization dawned on Sam's face, "Dean? Marishka?" he asked, just now noticing the other person in the corner. Dean started to laugh softly. "You two scared the crap out of me!"
"You're out of practice," Dean said. Sam smirked and knocked Dean's feet out from under him, easily managing to pin Dean to his back. "Or not. Get off me!" Dean grumbled.
"Dean, Marishka, what are you two doing here?" Sam inquired as he helped Dean to his feet, looking at his younger sister.
"Well, we were looking for a beer." joked Marishka.
"Actually I was, because she's to young to drink." Dean corrected, using her head as an arm rest, making Marishka glare at him.
"What the hell are you doing here?" Sam asked again.
"Okay, alright, we need to talk." Dean replied.
"Ah, the phone?"
"If we called would you have picked up?" He pointed out.
"Sam?" A feminine voice called, the lights being flipped on at the same time. A girl was standing by the door to the living room, her hand on the light switch. She had wavy dirty blonde hair and blue eyes, and only had on a cropped smurfs shirt and short shorts. She also had a beauty mark right in between her eyebrows.
"Jess, hey," Sam began, "Dean, Marishka, this is my girlfriend Jessica." Marishka almost laughed at the way Dean was eyeing her.
"Wait, your brother and sister Dean and Marishka?" Jess asked.
"I love the smurfs," Dean interjected. Marishka just rolled her eyes, she knew the minute she saw the girl that Dean was going to flirt with her. "You know I got to tell you, you are way out of my brothers league." Dean stage whispered.
"She's out of your league too Dean." Marishka shot back, giggling at Dean's fake hurt look.
"Just let me put something on." Jess said, ignoring the older brother's flirting.
"No, I wouldn't dream of it, seriously." Dean said.
Marishka pushed off the wall she was leaning against, she needed to thwart Dean's plan to steal Sam's girlfriend. "Anyway, we need to borrow your boyfriend here to talk about some family business. It was nice meeting you though." Marishka said, coming up to stand next to Dean.
"No," Sam said, "No, whatever you want to say you can say in front of her."
"Okay," Marishka said after making brief eye contact with Dean, "Um, Dad hasn't been home in a few days." she said, shifting awkwardly.
"So he's working overtime shift, he'll stumble in again sooner or later."
Dean nodded his head pursed his lips before saying, "Dad's on a 'hunting' trip, and he hasn't been home in a few days."
Sam became tense. "Jess, excuse us. We have to go outside." he said.
The three siblings made their way back to Dean's car. "I mean come on you two can't break-in in the middle of the night and expect me to hit the road with you." Sam said.
"We're hearing you Sammy, but we need you to help us find him." Dean replied.
"How do you know this isn't like the poltergeist in Anhurd or the gates of Clifton? He was missing then too. He's always missing and he's always fine."
"Not for this long. Are you going to come with us or not?" Marishka asked.
"I'm not." Sam said stubbornly, stopping at the bottom of the stairs.
"Why not?" Marishka asks, stopping and crossing her arms.
"Because I swore I was done hunting for good."
She sighs, "I know you said that, and this was Dean's idea..." She threw a quick smirk at Dean, who glared at her in response, before turning back to Sam, "But we need you."
"Come on Sam, hunting wasn't easy, but it wasn't that bad!" Dean pointed out, continuing their walk to the car.
"Yeah?" Sam asked, "When I told Dad that Marishka and I were afraid of the thing in my closet, he gave me a 45 and her a steak knife."
"Well what was he supposed to do?"
"I was nine years old, she was seven. He was supposed to say don't be afraid of the dark."
"'Don't be afraid of the dark'? What, are you kidding me? Of course you should be afraid of the dark, you know whats out there!" Dean yelled.
"Yea, I know, but still the way we grew up after mom was killed, and Dad's obsession to find the thing that killed her... But we still haven't found the thing. So we kill everything we can find."
"Save a lot of people doing it too." Marishka butt in. She hates taking sides, but this was more important than staying neutral.
"You think our Mom would've wanted this for Dean and I?" Sam whispered, his voice gentler than it was for Dean.
Marishka ignored the question and pushed open the gate they arrived at, leading them upstairs to a big room where Dean parked the Impala.
"The weapon training, the melting the silver into bullets. Man, Marishka, we were raised like warriors. All of us."
"So what are you going to do? Live some normal, apple pie life? Is that it?" Dean asked, getting Sam's attention off Marishka.
"No, not normal, safe."
"And that's why you ran away." Dean scoffed.
Sam shook his head, "I was just going to college. It was Dad who said if I was going to go I should stay gone. And that's what I'm doing."
"Yea well he's in real trouble right now. He's not dead already, I can feel it." All three of them looked at each other for a long time.
Marishka's the one who broke the silence,"We can't do this alone."
"Yes you can." Sam pointed out.
"Yeah, well we don't want to." She replied, looking at him with her innocent green eyes.
Sam looked away, and was silent for a long moment, but then sighed in defeat, looking at her again, "What was he hunting?" Marishka's face broke into a huge smile, eyes lighting up, before she walked the rest of the way over to Deans car and opened the truck. The boys just looked at each other before they follow her. It was impressive how easily she could get her way.
She lifted the weapon compartment in the back, which she kept propped open with a shotgun, moving out of the way for Dean, "Alright, lets see where the hell did I put that thing?" He said, digging through the weapons.
"When Dad left, why didn't you guys go with him?" Sam asked.
"We were doing our own gig, this voo-doo thing down in New Orleans."
"Dad let you go on a hunting trip by yourselves?"
Dean shot him a look, "I'm 26 dude, Marishka is 20."
"Yeah, we're grown ups, we can handle ourselves." Marishka told him.
Dean shuffled a couple papers before saying, "Alright here we go. Dad was checking this two way black top just outside Jericho, California. A month ago this guy," Dean handed Sam a piece of paper with the guys face and information. Sam looked it over while Dean continued, "They found his car but he vanished completely MIA."
"So maybe he was kidnapped." Sam pointed out.
"Yea well here's another one in April, and another in December," Marishka said, Dean laying out more papers with the missing victims as she said the case dates,"2003, 2004, 1998, 1992, 10 disappearances over the last 20 years. All of them male, all over the same 5 mile stretch of road." She finished as Dean opened a map and laid it out.
"Started happening more and more, so Dad went to go dig around, that was about 3 weeks ago. We haven't heard from him since which is bad enough," Dean grabs his recording device, "Then Marishka gets this voice mail yesterday."
Dean hits play, their Dad's voice comes through, "Something is beginning to happen. I need help with something. Be very careful you two."
"You know there's an EVP on that?" Sam asks.
"Not bad Sammy, kinda like riding a bike ." Dean says before he shakes his head and continues, "We slowed the message down and and ran it through a gold wave, took out the hiss and this is what we got." He played it again. This time you could hear a woman's voice as she softly whispers, "I can never go home..."
"'Never go home'" Sam quotes.
Dean puts the recorder back before he puts down the shotgun and closes the trunk of the Impala."You know for two years we never bothered you, never asked for anything." Dean reminds him.
Sam sighs again, looking towards the way they came from. He looks back at Dean, then Marishka, "Alright, I'll go. I'll help you two find him. But I have to get back first thing Monday. Just wait here." He says as he starts walking back the way they came.
"What's first thing Monday?" Marishka calls.
"I have this... I have an interview."
"Like a job interview?" She asks.
"Skip it." Dean says.
"It's a law school interview and it's my whole future on a plate." Sam replies, slightly aggravated.
"Law school?" Marishka asks, impressed.
"Do we have a deal or not?" Sam asks, irritated. Marishka looks at Dean for confirmation. He nods.
"We have a deal." She tells Sam before getting into the back of Dean's car to wait for Sam to get back. Dean gets into the drivers seat.
"Are you sure we need to drag Sam away for this, Dean?"
"Positive." They sat in silence after that, waiting. Due to her nap being disturbed earlier, sleepiness started to overtake Marishka, although she tried to fight it, she eventually gave herself the excuse that she needs her energy and gave herself to sleep.

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