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3:15 am and we're at a 24 hour gas station. We had been driving for 3 hours. Nash went in to get us some snacks. Mostly things to keep us up and probably to piss in. There have been no calls from either of our parents which I am not surprised about. It's 3am. Nash arrives back at the car with bags, chewing on a different stick of gum.

"How much gas is in?" He asks from behind. I move over and check.

"Tank is on E." He sighs and slams the trunk close before walking back inside. A few minutes later I look through the rear view mirror and I catch Nash making conversation with a girl. We have a long drive ahead of us and he's just making it longer. I beep the horn and it catches his attention.

"Really?" He says when he sits back down in the drivers seat.

"you were taking too long." I counter and he rolls his eyes, starting up the gas filled car.

"I was talking to her for two minutes. But okay," He gives up. He turns on the radio and we relax. I don't mean to but I fall asleep looking up at the sky from the sunroof.

When I wake up it's raining and Nash is standing outside the car. Looking outside, I don't really know where we are. There's just a bunch of trees and lampposts every few feet. My phone sounds and I answer it.

"Mom?" I ask and sure enough it is her. When I think about it I really shouldn't have answered. She rants and yells and I let her because if I were in her shoes I would've been doing the same.

"Hey, mom I know. I just needed a break from everything. Being eighteen, I didn't think I'd have to ask." My voice is calm and I'm trying my best not to sound like I just woke up but it's really hard.

She counter argues that I don't have to ask but I do have to notify her. "We thought you were kidnapped or something!" I hear my father exasperate from the speaker. I almost laugh at them. Nash notices that I'm awake and sits in the car, turning to me. I notice that his eyes are a piercing blue- more so than I've seen before and red ringed.

I motioned to his face with my hand, still listening to my parents bicker. He shrugs and sighs, turning back over to rest his head on the steering wheel.

"Ok mom. I have to go, I'll call you some other time." Cutting her off in the middle of her sentence did not go easy by her. She begins to yell louder and talk faster but I just hang up the phone. Nash looks damn near asleep but I run my hand through his hair. He sighs.

"I'm tired, bro." He leans back up into his chair and looks over at me. "Let me sleep." Giggles start to erupt from his throat and I chuckle. With out this dude this wouldn't be possible. the least I could do is drive the rest of the hours. He hops into the back seat and eventually rests. I can't help but look through the mirror above me and glance at him as every long hour passes...thank god for this boy that I have next to me daily.

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