We were all loading into the van and heading to a meet and greet when Lauren and Camila started fighting.
"No lo! I want the AUX cord! You got it last time!"
"That's because I have better taste in music than you do!"
"LAUREN! You take that back! Now!"
I was tired of it. They needed to learn to grow up.
"Will you two just stop! Ally and Normani and me have had enough. So has the bus driver two! Who is in the front?"
"Then let her have the cord!"
" ok...here."
"Thank you lo, now time for some 1D action!"
We were all riding along and listening to Drag me down by them when there was a sudden flash of lights. It was a rainy day in London, so the road had been slick. The swerved in front of us and we're lucky that we  didn't get hit.
"Mila, maybe you should put your seat belt on."
"No Lauren, your not the boss of me."
"Ok, fine."
All of a sudden we saw a big flash of lights and everything went by so fast. The car started to turn in circles, then it hit a rock and we went tumbling into the guard rail. We were passed out for a long time.
I woke up and had this pounding in my head that was horrible. I looked around and saw everyone was fasten to their seats. I unbuckled and climbed over some seats to Lauren.
"Lo...lo wake up. Lolo we need to get out... Wake up. Lauren blinked her eyes a couple of times then sat up.
"What happened Allycat?"
"I don't know lolo."
Everyone started to wake up. All of a sudden we heard a cry. Dinah! We crawled over to her and her leg was stuck under a seat. It was twisted and bent wrong.
"I-it hu-rts...owwww!"
"I know DJ just hold on. This might hurt...ok?"
I moved the seat up to get her leg out. She had tears streaming down her face. We got her out in one piece which is good. Normani had a slash across her forehead and Lauren had a broken arm. The bus driver smashed his head on the steering wheel and was bleeding bad. I had cuts and slashed across my body but nothing serious. We all got out the car and we're talking on the phone with 9-1-1. Normani went to talk to Camila," so Camila how bad I- CAMILA!! Where is she!!" We all turned our heads and saw a body hang off the guard rail. She was so close to falling into the deep deep bush and thorns. It was a good 15 foot drop if she fell. I ran over and grabbed her body. I brought her over where Dinah was. Normani and Lauren went to get the van driver. All of a sudden there was a BOOM!! I turned around and saw the van blow up. That was when the paramedics showed up. The slash across my face caught up to me because the last thing I remember is setting Camila down beside Dinah then everything went black.
At the hospital
I was the first one to wake up. I guess we were all in a joined hospital room except for Camila she was in some high tech room. She got hurt bad, probably more than any of us. I was awake for about an hour before Lauren and ally woke up. They were talking and talking to me. In the middle of one of our conversations Normani woke up.
"Y'all where's Camila?" She asked.
"In a different room. She got hurt really, really bad." Lauren answered.
Norman's face dropped and it grew quiet. Everyone was so ready to sit in her room and wait for her to wake up. We were all allowed to go into Camilas room and wait. For me I had to get some one to roll me. When we got in there all of her family were there. The 5H family's were out in the waiting room except for Camilas family. When we went in they got up to let us have some group alone time. Lauren sat down in a plastic chair and burst into tears.
"Camila I-I'm sor-ry for the way I-I treated y-you before the c-ras-h! I love y-you so mu-ch!" Lauren cried out to camila as she held her hand. I stood there and started to feel tears slide down my face. Please be ok Camila.
Few hours later
We were sitting there watching Camila and hoping she would wake up. The doctor came in and started to check her heart rate and vitals, when all of a sudden she shot up and started to yell.
"LAUREN! I-I WANT LAUREN!" Camila yelled.
"I'm right here calm down Camila. Stay calm." I said holding her down. She started to relax and breath steady. She just laid there and staired out the window.
The doctor came in to talk to us about Camilas injury.
"Ok so, she had suffered a lot of brain damage. She went head first through the window so that is what caused most of it and she probably landed on her head too. She is gonna be different when she wakes up. She is not gonna be the same. They are wheeling her to the ICU because we have to check some more stuff out. Don't worry we will put her to sleep to do so. Another thing is you might have to work with her a lot. She is gonna have to learn the basics again like, how to tie shoe laces, or how to brush her teeth, those kind of things. She is gonna have permanent studder for a long time till she learns to talk right. Before she leaves she is gonna have to take a test. Well I have to go I wish you all the best." The doctor said as he walked away.
"Man, we have to teach her the basics again." Normani said with tears in her eyes.
"Come on guys we can do this." Ally said positively.
We waited for about another two or three hours by her bed side waiting for her to wake up. Then she slowly opened her eyes.
"L-Lauren, I-s t-that y-you?" Camila studdered.
"Yes camz, it's me." I replied.
"G-guys wha-t a-are w-we doi-Ing he-re?"Camila asked.
"Sweety, we were in an accident that caused you to be in here." Dinah said kneeling down beside the bed.
"I-is th-at w-why m-my h-head h-hu-rts?" She asked with a confused look.
"Yes, but you will be ok." I replied.
After that the doctor came in and told us that she could go home. That it would be good for her to learn in an environment that she knows. Before she let Camila get dressed she gave her that test that she said she would. It was a box that had ten different holes. They were different shapes too. She pulled the top off and dumped little shapes out. It was like a baby toy.
"Ok Ms. Cabello I need you to match the shapes with the holes. I will time you but don't pay attention to the timer. Just do the test ok." The doctor said in a soft tone.
"O-ok." Camila studdered.
She put the box down and started her timer. Camila was doing good. She had already got the circle and square in the right holes, but when it came to the triangle she dropped it. I bent down to pick it up and gave it to her. She looked me in the eyes and said," y-you h-have gre-en e-eyes."
"I know but right now you really need to finish the game,ok." I said back.
"She reached up and started to touch my eyes, forgetting about the game.
"Ok, well she got two shapes in so that is g-" but the doctor was interrupted by a loud beep. Camila jumped and looked like she was gonna cry.
"M-my hea-d. E-ears!" She cried. I bent down and wrapped my arms around her," your gonna be ok camz, I promise.

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