She Ain't You. (6 2/2)

Start from the beginning

Once we got to the elevator she just grabbed my face smashing my lips back to hers. I hissed wrapping my arm's around her waist letting her control the kiss.


"What was that for?" I breathed out feeling her soft lips on my neck.

"For being my best friend. Without you I'd honestly be somewhere losing my mind. Thank you so much Wardell, seriously."

I frowned at the word best friend and I couldn't be mad because it wasn't her fault. It was mine. I'm honestly falling for this girl and it hasn't even been that long. She's opened her world to me, and I'm ready to do the same. I'm gonna make it right, because my heart isn't with Fiona. It never was.

"Hey its no problem at all Amour, I seriously love being around you and I don't wanna make you feel like the side chick or just my best friend because your neither. Remember when I asked for your trust?"

She nodded her head staring up at me. "Yes."

"Well I meant what I said about having the best intentions when it came to you, so will you go on a date with me Friday?"

She just blushed hard, biting her bottom lip. "Does that mean...."

I smiled nodding my head. "Yes baby girl, I'm all yours."

She covered her face smiling hard. "Oh god, what are you doing to me?"

I grabbed her hand placing it on my heart, pecking her lips. "Feel that?"

She giggled playfully rolling her eye's.
"Your so corny man..."

"What are you doing to me?" I mocked tilting my head.

"Nothing, and yes I'll go on that date with you. Once your single."

I chuckled hugging her tightly. "Trust me I will be, but then I assume a beautiful young woman named Amour will take me right back off the market."

She smirked. "She sounds like a smart girl."

I laughed kissing her cheek. "Alright I gotta get going, keep your head up baby girl. I'll call you during lunch okay?"

She whispered okay letting me go. I stole one last kiss before she walked away, and headed back to the room.

God I think I'm in love with that girl.

I was tired as fuck walking into school at 8 in the morning, but knowing what needed to be done today made me push myself to get over the sleep. So much happened all in just 24 hours and honestly, it only gave me more than enough clarification on why Amour and I were possibly meant to be.

Call me crazy. But I don't care, because I can feel her signal. It's like I've met her before this life, and I'm her guardian angel or something. I don't know it's hard to explain if you haven't experienced it yourself.

"Steph!" Klay yelled catching up with me. "Is everything okay with Tyler? Mayleen just left school."

I shook my head no sighing. "Nah man he got into a car accident last night, doctors said it's pretty critical. Amour, Keyla, and I were up there for a long time. They are still there, Amour just wanted me to come to school so I wouldn't miss out on anything."

He frowned. "Man that's crazy, I hope he's okay. That will tear those girls up, especially Amour."

I agreed finding my locker opening it. "I got her though, just keep praying."

Klay leaned against the opposite locker putting his hands in his pockets. "So what's going on with Amour and you? Are you still with Fiona?"

I looked at him before looking back in my locker grabbing my binder. "Not for much longer, and then Amour and I are gonna be together soon."

He let out some air. "Man you got a lot on your plate."

I chuckled shaking my head. "Not really man, I'm just finally doing something that I want. It's like if I chose something different with Fiona, there's a problem. But when it comes to Amour I feel like it's a mutual decision, and anything that I choose to do, she'll always be by my side supporting me."

Klay smiled. "That's crazy man."

I closed my locker. "What's crazy?"

"That girl has loved you since she's layed eye's on you. See I'm not supposed to be telling you this, but Amour seriously loves you man. She probably hasn't admitted it yet, but she does from the bottom of her heart."

I bit my lip trying to contain my smile. "That's my baby man, seriously. I wish I would've known that sooner then later. But I ain't tripping, better late then never."

He just smirked patting my shoulder. "Yeah yeah. But looks like you got business to handle, here comes Fiona."

I turned around seeing the blond curls bouncing up and down as she walked towards me, and I turned back around dapping up Klay. "Aite man, I'll see you later. You wanna go to the hospital with me after school?"

"Yeah man." He nodded throwing up his fist before walking away.

I turned around again waiting for her to meet up with me. "Wassup Fi."

She smiled leaning up to kiss me but I backed up a bit making her miss. "H-hey baby. What's wrong with you?"

I sighed. "Nothing Fi, I'm doing just fine. But look we gotta talk."

She frowned crossing her arm's. "About?"

I looked away from her scratching my head. "Us.."

She tilted her head catching my eye's. "What about us? I thought we were doing just fine?"

I ran my hand down my face knowing this was the right thing to do. I just don't see myself wanting her over Amour. I've made my decision already and I'll deal with the rest later. "Look Fiona I'm gonna just cut to the chase, I seriously love you as a person and I know you have great intentions in life. But you and I just don't belong together, and I've known this for quite sometime now. I was just afraid because I didn't wanna let any other girl into my life when you have already experienced me in all the aspects of it. But I did meet another girl, and she's opened my eye's to so much more then just the lifestyle that's already been painted for me. I'm honestly falling in love with her, and with that means I can't be with you anymore. I'm so sorry for taking parts of you I didn't deserve because your an amazing woman and I hope you can find that one man to make you happy, because you deserve it."

She just stood there staring at me as a tear rolled down her face.

Man I hate making woman cry.

"I'm sorry Fiona really." I whispered trying to wipe away her tear but she pushed me away.

"No.. just stop Stephen. I get it okay? J-just tell me what she has that I don't have?" She whispered wiping her face with her sleeve.

I gulped looking away from her. "Fi.."

"No Stephen tell me!" She hissed pressing her finger against my chest. "You will not break my heart without telling me what she has that I don't have."

I closed my eye's slowly pushing her finger off of me. "She has my heart Fi... I'm sorry."

She just laughed letting her tears fall. "Wow... I gave you all of me and your telling me I never had your heart?"

I didn't say anything as I let out some air. She took that as a yes and shook her head. "Go fuck yourself Stephen, seriously you and keep that bullshit ass apology. To think I actually felt bad about getting that abortion a few month's ago, man I'm so happy I did because now I know who you really are." She said making my heart drop.


She rolled her eye's walking away. "Tell Amour she can have my sloppy seconds, I ain't mad because just like you left me, you'll leave her with this same bullshit ass apology."

I grabbed her arm angrily. "You were pregnant and you got a abortion without telling me?"

She laughed yanking her arm away. "Touch me again Steph I dare you, I'll scream bloody murder and ruin your life. Don't fuck with me."

I let her walk away, breathing heavily. "And I'll never leave her Fiona, because guess what? She ain't you."

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