Chapter 18.

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I'm trapped. I see my lifeless body just laying on a hospital bed. Nothing to grab and nothing to hold.


I fall to the floor in pain as I started to sob. My bare knees touching the cold marbled floor. "I'm dying" I whisper under my breath.

I look and see Jackson outside in the waiting room crying. And then I look back and see Hunter in my room.

"Sir you can be in here" a nurse said to Hunter. "O-oh I thought family were allowed" he said. "Your family?" She asked.

"Brother" he said wiping a tear. Wow never knew he could lie.


I took her hand as the nurse left. I kissed it.

It was cold and pale like a white blank paper. Her hair lays softly on her shoulders. As her lips are a purple blue violet color.

Her face his very pales also. I looked at her arm that has stitches. I go over them gently as I kiss them. "Cal, why?.... I love you" I said.

Her body just stood their. Not moving. She's breathing on her own but it doesn't look like it. I knew she was on drugs before this ...

Could that have cause her to be so sad?

I wish I knew. I love Callie a lot words can't even be spoken.  She's like my butterfly.

I need her, and if she ever flies away then I die.

Or I'm a bee and with out the pollen I die.

Her head always fell then rises. It scared me a lot tbh.

"I'm not rose" I hear a faint whisper as a tear fell from her eyes.


I know this is really short but I haven't been okay.

Some person hacked my fan acc I had, and told one of my friends that I wanted to commit suicide.

Which is a lie.

So the parent of my friend called the cops and the cops showed up to my house. They questioned me and my mom.

My mom doesn't think I'm telling the truth about the hacker.

So she told my school about me. So tmrw at school I'm supposed to be taken out of one of my classes, and a consoler is gonna talk to me

And asked me question why I wanna kill myself. But I don't, I'm happy and I'm okay now!

It's just I don't wanna be questioned, I'm okay and they need to know that. I'm not gonna kill myself like that's so impossible.

Anyways wish me luck cuz I'm gonna get questioned for no reason🙄

Bye loves ily

~ Em🦄

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