#10 Flashbacks And Guess Who...

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If it wasn't so obvious. Sigh...
Martina's POV
Once again I was all on my own in the busy crowds of Trafford. At first I thought my friends would help but no. I've already shopped a load of clothes from shoes to bras!! Yeah I wondered how I got there too(!) I was walking with a emotionless face with people staring at me but that was no change. Then I as I was walking I bumped into somebody.
"Hey! Watch out jerk." Normally I wouldn't say these things but I was in a wright mood. I looked up and saw a familiar smirk. Well if I was reading this I would be thinking of Jorge but no...
It was Diego Dominguez!!! (AN I know you've been waiting for this.)
My face was full of shock. It was him, the one and only. He was the guy who was always there for me. I wrapped my arms around him holding him close to me crying my eyes out. I felt a few tears on my shoulders.
"Just like the old times." Yeah confusing but I knew exactly what he meant.

Flashback- Imagine 6 year olds Diego and Tini.
Still Martina's POV
I was roaming around in the park alone while Fran was with his friends while I was skipping, a boy was running away from his parents while he was crying. I didn't notice he was crying until we bumped into each other for the first time.
"Hey watch where you're going idiot!" Then he looked up to me.

Yes it was Diego. His parents were getting divorced so that's why he was crying. He used to live next door to me in Buenos Aires. We used to be really close at the time till he had to move away to London with his mom while his dad left for Madrid. He was like a brother.

I noticed he was crying so I started tearing up. I was really sensitive at the time. I apologised.
"I'm so sorry, I don't know why you're crying and I didn't notice."
"Don't worry, I'm used to it." I was shocked, he has a similar life to me so I grabbed his hand and said,
"Let's go." I took him behind a bush and explained everything to him, he was concerned then I learnt about his life. For 6 year olds, we really did have big mouths and knew quite a few words. By the time we were finished talking our mothers called to tell us we're coming home. Our mothers became good friends so we walked home together while Fran went to his friends house with his friend's mom. We snuck out of the bush and slowly walked behind our moms whispering to each other. Before we reached the houses we gave each other a quick hug and pecks on the cheeks.
We went to the park daily till the end of summer so we had about 3 months. When he left it was like an emotional breakup between the lovers of brothers and sisters.

End of flashback
(AN- How Was That?!?!?)

"I can't believe you're here." We both said at the same time.
" What are you doing with those bags?" I asked.
"Uh what are YOU doing with those bags." He 'replied'. We used to do that a lot in the past. He seemed nervous.
"Just tell me Diego, I know you well enough to know that something is going on."
"You see my Mom, she kind of said something..." He couldn't continue. The guy I knew was always so full of himself yet brotherly. He continued. " My Mom told me that nobody likes me because I'm too ugly and that I should be with my father because I'm apparently exactly like him which is obviously not true. My father is addicted to drugs." My jaw was in a fixed position almost reaching my collarbone. The family I knew then wasn't like that. They were loving and pure. Finally I was able to move.
"What happened after Diego?"
"I started shouting at Mom saying it wasn't true. Then she started having a go at me for talking back at her. Ever since we left for London, this became a permanent routine of my life. I took what I need from my bedroom, my cards and some cash and stormed out of the house leaving my Mom with my step sisters." Being stupid I had to ask:
"Stepsisters, Diego, since when??"
"Since one year after we left Buenos Aires, Martina, since then nothing has been right. You could say I was Cinderella in that house." I chuckled.
"Yeah but that doesn't answer why you're carrying bags, I know I am because I'm a girl."
"Stupid girl, I've escaped from the wreck, I need clothes."
"Hey don't call me stupid, I knew that reason and I know the second reason."
"Oh yeah, what's that?" He smirked.
"You wanna get girls, don't ya." I said acting like him. I could see a slight pink shade in his cheeks.
"Yeah I wanna catch some birds."
"Don't refer to us girls as birds." I whined.
"Well I wanna 'bird.'"I wanted to kill him so much.
"So what happened after that?"
"Uuhh I uh, oh bbhh---"
I knew he wanted to change the subject. 3_2_1
"So how's life?....."
Yup just like the old times....
Time skip to finally meeting up with everyone
So 3 hours later, I found out a lot more about Diego. Stuff that he would tell later. I am kind of his sister aren't I? Then I was tired, so I took my phone out of my bag. Noticing I had all sorts of messages and phone calls which were kind of worrying ish.

Mechi: where r u Tini? I need 2 show u this outfit Rugg picked out 4 me.

Rugg: Sis where r u? I need 2 show u my clothes ASAP.

And it goes on and on and on. To be honest I'm pissed of about these messages not happy because they care for me... While I was looking at the rest of the messages and phone calls we bumped into the others except Rugg and Nico.

Jorge was on his phone smiling and typing away. He hasn't got any bags either. What the hell has he been doing. Weird isn't it. Not. I thought he was a player. He is a player. And I fell into that trap...

Just then Diego whispered to me:
"Is this the guy who hurt your feelings." Yes I told him. I know I can trust him you know. You don't know him entirely. I'll save that for another time.
"Yes he is, how'd you know?"
"Only players never bother to look at the girl they kissed." He's right. So what did I say if it wasn't so obvious. Sorry I'm not in the mood.
"You're right."
"I always am Sis." I chuckled and guess what he did... Smirk. One of the signatures boys have on their faces.

"Hey Tini and...." Alba got interrupted.
"DIEGO BRO!!!!" I just noticed that rhymed. Oh you wanna know who it is? Man I think I've hung out with Diego a bit too much. Whoops. At least he's got a heart and a good soul.

So it's...................
Drumroll Please?!?!??

I mean who else would it be. Rugg's been in my life so has Diego. They must have met right?!?

"What the hell, why are you here Diego?!?"
"Hey I was expecting a better reaction but I know what you're like! We moved here ages ago like 12 years ago!!"
"Oh yeah..." Rugg mumbled feeling embarrassed about the situation but like the man he is, his face lit up.

Jorge was  staring at us like weirdos now, maybe not like a weirdo but more of a jealous type...

Hey Guys, sorry for not updating. I hope you liked this short chapter. Nothing much to say other than thanking you for the compliments and questions from my Ask Book. For my second book I don't have much inspiration so I'll see how it goes...
Love ya xxx
1362 words.

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