OMAKE : Enma's Wish List

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OMAKE : Enma's Wish List

Disclaimer: Katekyo Hitman Reborn! does not belong to me. It belongs to Amano Akira-sensei! Besides, it belongs me, I would make sure Giotto is Tsuna's father instead of stupid Iemitsu.

Cozarto just ended his call with Giotto about the private Christmas party and the Santa Clause that's going to appear thus, all the parents or guardians have to pass their gifts to the illusionist team and given out as Santa Clause's presents to good kids. And boy, Cozarto was laughing like crazy when Giotto read out Tsuna's wish list.

The hardest was 'Stop papa from dressing Tsu-kun as a girl!" He bets Giotto regretted reading that out by accident. Giotto got pissed and told Cozarto he better remember to bring along Enma's present to the Christmas party before hanging up.

Cozarto suddenly felt he's in crisis. Enma did not mention anything that he wanted. He quickly left his office to search for his stranger-shy son in the mansion.

"En? Where are you?" Cozarto called out as he walked around the mansion.

"Otou-san! I'm here!" Enma shouted from somewhere in the mansion.

"Where!" Cozarto dumbly asked.

"Mou! Otou-san! I'm in the kitchen!" Enma complained.

"Hai, hai! Sorry about that!" chuckled Cozarto as he ruffled Enma's hair, causing him to pout.

"Otou-san! My hair is so messy now!" Enma arranged his hair back nicely and looked at him father.

"Yeah? Why are you staring at me?" Cozarto tilted his head to the side and asked.

"Erm... O-otou-san... D-does San-Santa-san e-exists?" Enma face flush bright red as he voiced out his question.

Cozarto stared at Enma for a moment and burst out laughing, causing Enma's face to become deep red.

"O-otou-san! D-don't la-laugh!" Enma pouted while his face continued to remain red.

Cozarto took a deep breath and answered "S-sorry... I'm just thinking that you were thinking of the same thing as me. I wanted to ask you that too and you got ahead of me!"

Enma's face returned normal and beamed at his father. "So Santa-san exists?!"

"Yup! And he gave me a mission..." Cozarto purposely let it left hanging and gave Enma an 'I'm-not-telling-you-look'.

"Otou-san! Tell me! Tell me!" Enma started shaking his father's arms.

"Hmm... But it's a secret!" Cozarto said with a twinkle in his eyes. He's definitely having fun teasing his son.

"P-please?" Enma asked with his sad face, tears threatening to fall anytime.

Cozarto started to panic and gave his head a quick nod. "Ok, ok! Don't cry!"

Enma's face immediately changed to beaming, making Cozarto to sweat drop...

"Alright. Santa-san told Otou-san that he wants to give En a present but he doesn't know what to get! He wants Otou-san to find out and report to him!" he grinned, secretly proud at himself for coming up with such a good lie.

"Really? I will write them down now! You have hand it to him, ok!" Enma ran off before Cozarto could reply...

(+^+) 40 Minutes Later (+^+)

"Otou-san! I'm done!" Enma excitedly said and gave the letter to Cozarto.

"Well, done! Otou-san will now deliver this to Santa-san!" Cozarto acted like a secret agent and creeped out of the room quietly and headed off to the attic to hide.

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