Back To December

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^^Beck Oliver and Victroia Vega are at a resort for Christmas vacation and they met and fell in Love... flash foward three weeks later. It is their last day at the restort and then they have to go back to their homes. They are walking through the snow holding hands.^^

Tori-"I dont want to leave you"

Beck-"I dont want to leave you either"

Tori-"Promise you wont forget me"

Beck:"I Promise"


Beck-*Takes off his ring and puts it on Tori's Finger* "and you wont forget me"

Tori-*Smiles* With or without the ring I wouldnt forget u"

Beck-"Still keep it"

Tori-*Hugs Beck*

Beck-*kisses her forehead*

A 2 months Later

Tori-*puts her last box in truck* "Do we have to move"

TD-"Yes I'm sorry, But you'll love L.A Trust Me"

Tori-"I guess"

They Get To L.A

Tori-"Woah This House Is Huge" *Goes Inside*

They Move All Of Their Stuff In

Next Day

Tori wearing - Back To December: Tori. on polyvore, in description

Tori-*walks in her new school and looks around and bumps into a girl*"I'm So sorry"

Cat-"Oh Its Totally Cool. Are You New?" Wearing back to December: Cat


Cat-"Cool, Well You can hang out with me"

Tori-"oh thanks"

Cat-"You're welcome well lets go over to my friends"

They walk over to the Gang

Cat-"Hey Guys, This is Tori She is new"



Cat-"so this is Andre,Robbie,Rex,Jade, and where is Beck?"

Beck-*Turns the corner*"Beck is Right Here"

Tori-*Gasps* "Beck"

Beck-*doesnt notice that its Tori* "Yeah?"

Tori-*Holds up her ring* "It's me Victoria Vega"

Beck-"Victoria? My Victoria?"

Tori-*Smiles*"Yes" *almost whispers*

Beck-*Picks her up*"OMG! I thought I would never see you again"

Tori-"Same here! I kept thinking about you ever since you left"

Beck-*Puts her down and kisses her forehead* "I have too"

Tori-"Now we get to be together!"

Beck-"and I couldnt be more happy"

Cat,Robbie,Andre,Jade and Rex- *Confused*

Beck-"we dated over the break"

Andre:"And you couldnt tell us"*Laughs*

Cat-*Behind every body Jealous*

*Beck and Tori spend time together after school*

With Cat^^

Cat's Pov

Well Tori seems cool. Except she dated my ex!and he got with her right after he broke up with mee! I was hoping we could have gotten back together. should i tell her I dated her current boyfriend?Hmmm

End of Pov

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