Chapter 1- The Game

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*Ivy's POV*

I take slow deep breaths as I was ready for the game test. Many others were alongside with me. My best friend, Ichika who stood beside me happily. The rest of the people around me where named: Benkei, Enya, Hyuga, Hotaka, Kinshiro, Ryo, Lionel, Diaval, Soji, Willem, Ruvel, Sion, and Yoshitsune.

Ren walked into the room and stood in front of everyone. "Is everyone ready to test out the new game?" We nod and Ren hooks us up to the device. "Now, lay down on the floor so your comfortable." We did as he said and he turned on the device. Soon enough we were playing in the game physically but still mentally.

"Everyone is equipped with their own special weapons. Enjoy the game and tell me if there are any problems." I heard Ren's voice echoing through the game. I look around at the trees as we all stood in an open field. Hyuga started to walk one way and I call out to him.

"Hey, Hyuga? Don't you think it would be best to stay together?" He grunts and looks back at me. "I don't need a group of people slowing me down. We want to test this game out quickly so we can get back to our lives."
"Later." He said and walked away.

Stubborn... I thought to myself and Ichika grabbed my shoulder. "Don't worry, Ivy! It's his choice! He's missing out!" I smile and I pull down my menu and equip my sword. "Right then. Let's go." I say and everyone else equipped their weapons.

We continued on until we ran into Hyuga in the middle of fighting one of the computer bots. We run over to help him out when he got hit in the arm and grimaced.

"Ren...?" I ask and he answers. "What's wrong?"
"I thought we weren't suppose to feel real pain."
"Did someone get hurt?"

Hyuga stands back up and glares at me. "I'm not hurt."
"But you felt real pain, yes?" I ask and he grabbed his arm.

"Can you fix it!?" I ask worried and I hear him typing on the computer. "What the...?" He mutters and I look back at the bot that started charging at us.

I stand in front of Hyuga and readied my sword. The bot countlessly attacks me and I block the attacks. It took one last strike at me and slashed my cheek. "Egh! Ren! Anytime would be great!" I say and he speaks up. "Somethings wrong, it won't change setting."
"Log us out!"
"Hold on."

Ruvel Sion and Enya all team up on the bot while I made sure no more harm came to Hyuga. "I can't log you out!" Ren said. "What's the hold up?" Lionel asked frustrated.

"The computer is frozen! I can't change a thing!"
"Just restart it."
"If it was that easy I would have done it already. If I restart it, there is a possibility that you would never come back. You would be erased from the game system."
"Well, what now then?"
"The only thing to do now... Is to win the game."

While Enya Ruvel and Sion were distracting the bot, two more showed up and Hyuga pulled out his bow and arrows.

Beat the game... Who knows how long that will take. I thought to myself as we all started to fight the bots.

From the corner of my eye, I saw someone in trouble. The bot was about to slash down as a final strike.

It was...



[DISCONTINUED] GAME OVER (shall we date?)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum