Chapter 1 || Memories Lost!

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What is white? What is snow? It's something that is not red. What is red? Red is the color of a thirsty beast in human form.

Are you lost little boy? A man asks approaching the silver head. The boy looks up, winding his eyes seeing the man charge at him with white piercing fangs. "N-NO DON-" the boy closes his eyes getting ready for the pain that was about to come, but it never did.

Opening his eyes he sees the man has been turned to dust, but from whom? "I disgrace all vampires". The boy turns around offering his hand to help the little boy. He grabs it never letting go of the person.
Soon later the boy takes the silver hair to an acquaintance of his, Kian Cross.

"Thank you, Kaname for bringing his here" Cross said bringing them to the couch. "Your do know right?" Kaname asks his friend. "Yes I know that he's your little brother" he said. "Yes and I was wondering if you didn't tell, Zero who I am" Kaname says getting up. "You sure that's a good idea? I mean what if he finds out the truth?" Cross asks. "If it comes down to that then I have no choice of returning those memories" he says.

"Okay then" Cross said agreeing with Kaname's wish. "I'll see you later, Zero" Kaname says giving him a kiss on the cheek before heading out the door.

-Four Years Later-

"Zero, are you done getting ready yet? Your breakfast his getting cold" his father said down stairs. "Okay I'm coming" he says running down the stairs without hurting himself. "Hurry up and eat before your later for class" Kian said. "Okay, okay geeez" Zero says stuffing his mouth.

"Hey, Zero good morning" his best friend Yuki says. "Morning, how you been lately?" Zero asks. "Okay i guess I'm just bumb that we have a test today" she says sighing with her head down. "Haha, it can't be that bad, Yuki" Zero says laughing at his friend. "I'm serious, Zero but anyway how's the headmaster these days?" She asked forgetting about the conversation earlier.

"He's been fine, but he still acts like a child sometimes" he says rolling his eyes. "Well you know how he is" Yuki said smiling. "Yeah I guess your right".

-In Class-

Zero and Yuki sat in the back of the class so they wouldn't be noticed by the teacher so easily. Yuki was talking to her friend Sayori that was on the left of her while, Zero was on the right.

Zero wasn't really paying attention like usual he stairs at the window thinking about when he was little. Going back from when he was in that forest, almost being killed by that level E vampire when that boy from his dreams comes to mind. Coming back from daydreaming he looks down at his usual sleeping spot when he goes on patrol at night, and notices that boy from his dream.

The boy smirks when he sees, Zero staring at him from the window. Zero not being aware of his movement runs out the classroom, ignoring what his teacher said in the back. Finally he reaches where he saw that boy from earlier looking at each other.

"I see you grown into a fine boy, Zero" Kaname says smiling. "Y-you were their from that night, you had blood over your face but you gave me your hand and i took it" Zero said with surprise in his voice. "Yes I was, it's nice to see you again" he said.

"I don't get it? None of this makes any since to me" Zero says shaking his head. "You'll understand one day, but today's not that day" Kaname says bringing Zero closer to him. "W-what are you doing? Let me go" Zero said trying to free himself from Kaname's grip. "I'm sorry I have to do this" Kaname said putting his hand over, Zero eyes making him fall asleep into his arms.
"You're not ready for the truth, Zero or should I say my little brother".

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