Chapter 2

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Hannah's POV

"What?!" I scream at Natalie, who attempts at explaining everything to me from the other line. I'm pacing around my room with my lights turned off except for the stupid pink lamp I got from my ignorrant mom on  my birthday this year.

"No sixteen-year old would ever want that, Mom. Keep that on a mental note so you don't screw up my birthday present for next year." I remember telling her about three months ago.

"He was with who?" I yell at her. "God damnit, Natalie!" I pinch the bridge of my nose in annoyance. "Natalie, you are rambling." I say trying to calm my nerves. "What did I tell you specifically not to do!"

"Not to ramble..." I hear her mumble through the other line.

"Exactly," I say slowly so she hears every last bit of irritation in my voice. "Now start from the fucking beginning and we'll go from there."

"Okay, " She says and I hear her clear her throat. "While you were out 'sick' today, it was the new girl's first day here." she continues. "Anyways, what I've heard from Daemon was that when Vic was on his skateboard he hit the new girl on accident. They both got hurt pretty bad. So this new girl takes Vic by the fucking hand, and they walk like skipping through the halls like they own the damn place! Can you believe that skank? Who does she think she is trying to make The Vic Fuentes her own."

"Natalie!" I snap. "You're getting off topic." 

"Right," she continues. "So anyways, they both walked in the nurse's office and like half an hour later they came out laughing and talking. Who knows what could've happened in those 30 minutes! I think he could be cheating on you, girl. Watch your back." Natalie finishes.

"No," I say. "The only girl who should be watching her back is that fucking skank." I growl, jotting a few to-do's for tomorrow morning. "Did you get her name?" I ask Natalie.

"No. I don't think anybody knows her name... besides Vic and the nurse." and I can practically feel her smirk through the line. I knew exactly what she was thinking.

"Thanks for everything, Nat." I smile maliciously and press the 'end call' button on my cell phone. I pick the pen back up from my desk and jot down a few other things down on my sticky note.

It was time to find out who this girl was.


Taylor's POV

I sit on my bed scrolling through my phone. Through all of the text messages that I never erased. I should have though. Because looking at the two names of the last messages I ever recieved made it feel like my lungs were collapsing in on me. It's almost enough to give me another asthma attack. I hadn't had one since the day I left Ventura. And that day was supposed to be good. Till I saw the last look on his face that made my gut twist and turn and my heart swell with fear. I don't have to see him anymore. I remember thinking. He won't know where I'll be. 

Back when I lived in Ventura, I'd fallen in love. Or at least what I thought was love. 

The first time I met Garrett,  was in the park. I was sitting under the big oak tree reading Lord of the Flies for an english project that was due in a three days and yet, here I was, only on chapter 2. Garrett was out playing football with his friends that day. And while trying to bury myself in the books pages, they 'accidentally' hurled the ball toward me. It didn't hit me. But it was a close call.

I picked the ball up and saw Garrett standing a few yards away with open arms. "Here!" he shouts, waving his arms frantically.

His jet black hair covered half of his brown eyes. "How are you able to see when your bangs are in front of your eyes like that?" I ask him loudly as I toss the ball in a fast, whirling spiral.

He laughs. "You get used to it," he smirks. "And for a girl like you, you have a really good arm!" For a girl like me? Somehow that offended me. I stood up glaring at him.

"For a guy like you, you have a pretty good arm too!" I retort. His friends all look at me surprised realizing I wasn't just any girl.

"For a girl like you, you have a pretty wicked sense of humor!" The black haired boy shouts back bearing a perfect smile.

I start to make a comeback before I realize that he didn't insult me, he complimented me. "Oh..." I say not exactly sure how to respond. "Thanks." And I sit back down in the grass and pick up the book that lay face down in the grass.

"Hey you should come play with us," he suggests. 

"No, I can't," I say denying his offer. "I have to do a book report on this in like, three days and I'm only on chapter two." I say, waving the book around so he can see which book it was. 

"I've read that book like a million times," he hints. "And I don't mind helping people out, you know." He shrugs his shoulders as he fidgets with the football in his hands.

I consider his proposal. "I guess I'm up for some football." I say smiling as I stand up again.

We ended up playing for hours. His friends all accepted me as if we'd known each other for years. And then I invited him back to my house and he helped me write my report for English.

Things seemed so perfect and simple then. If only they'd remained that way. After a month of being 'just friends' he finally asked me out. And just like I did the day we had met, I accepted is new offer and told him yes.

The first week was absolutely amazing. And then... something changed about him completely. We kept getting into fights that would carry out for days, and then weeks before one of us apologized. But when I told him I wasn't sure if things were going to work out he got so angry. I remember seeing the kindness in his eyes fade into nothing more than such a murderous look that he just didn't seem like the kind boy I'd fallen in love with in the first place. I tried to walk away from him but he grabbed my wrist and yanked me back harshly.

"Where do you think you're going?!" he shouts at me. "Don't you dare ever walk away while I'm talking to you!" I tried to pull my wrist away but he took his hand and slapped me across the face.

Everything from there went downhill. He started abusing me. Each time it got worse. I wanted to walk away or to tell somebody at least. But he threatened to harm the last thing I had in my life that I couldn't live without. My dad.

But he wasn't the cause of my dad's death. If anything, it was my fault that he was dead.

I sit back up in my bed and read my phone's time. 12:45. I should be getting to sleep now. I think. I press the delete button. You left your past life behind in Ventura. It's okay to forget things like that. I think of what Vic had been talking about earlier in the nurse's office. To pierce the veil. To get to the direct source of your problem and cut it out. That's exactly what I had to do. I shut off my lamp and lay in the darkness, closing my eyes and falling asleep.


(Author's Note)

So I know this was a really short chapter, but I promise you that the next one might be longer (and more interesting)! Tell me what you think of the different point of views of each character and of how you are liking the overall story so far in the comments. Thank you. c:

With Love, Allison

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