Lucy lifted her brow," really, like what?" She waited for his answer, she noticed that he was starting to get real nervous. What was he up to? Was he really with another woman?

Grayson shuffled his feet, " I had to check on an order that my mother had placed. Bolts of silk were to be delivered to the warehouse. She is having new dresses made in town for a family member." He hoped that was a good enough excuse, at least to keep her from asking any more questions.

Lucy bit her bottom lip, she would let it go for now. He wouldn't get out of it that easily, right now she wanted to make him squirm with desire. She wanted to make him want her the way she has yearned for him for weeks. She wanted him to know how she had been yearning to feel his lips on hers again. She wanted to make him yearn for her hands to touch him, because she yearned for him to touch her.

Grayson felt his manhood stir at the sight of her biting her bottom lip. She had no clue on how that affected him. He wanted to take her in his arms and never let her go. He couldn't do it right now, she was not to happy with him at the moment. He didn't blame her, he wouldn't be so forgiving if the tables were turned. He walked closer to her and very cautiously, he would be in slapping range.

Lucy smirked at him, so he was going to come closer was he. She knew that he would be in slapping range. She wouldn't slap him yet, she wanted to tease him a bit first. She wanted him to know how she had felt since she met him. She knew she was playing with fire, and she could get burned. She was willing to take that chance.

Grayson held out his hand in hopes of her taking it, he waited with a smile on his face. He was expecting her to push his hand away, but she surprised him. Lucy placed her small hand in his, he lead her to where their picnic was laid out. It was a feast, he knew that most of it wouldn't get eaten. He helped Lucy sit on the blanket and then he lowered himself. They sat there in silence eating the food that was before them. He thought it would continue, till he got the bright idea to blurt out what he wanted.

" Lucy, I know that you have every right to hate me. I hope you don't, I have to say that I could never hate you. I know that I have messed up royally in the past, and wouldn't blame you for not liking me much." He was nervous, he didn't know what she was going to say. " I love you with my heart and soul, I know that I have so much to make up for. I hope to have a lifetime with you to make it up to you." He was rambling on and he knew it.

Lucy was confused, she was listening to his rambling. She liked it when he admitted he loved her, but this lifetime thing she wasn't sure what he meant by that. " Grayson, just spit it out already." She was getting anxious to find out what he was trying to say.

" Okay, but this is not what I had planned. Lucy Dererux , I love you with my heart, body and soul. I want to spend forever with you. Will you marry me?" Grayson waited for her answer, he sat there waiting to hear something from her.

Lucy was shocked, she wasn't sure on what had just happened. She stared at him, she was at a loss for words. In fact she wasn't sure that she heard him right, she shook her head. She must have gotten water in her ears," I am sorry what did you say?"

Grayson swallowed, " Will you marry me?" He was getting nervous, he didn't expect her to say that. She was definitely shocked, she was actually speechless. He just hoped that she would give him an answer.

Lucy stared at him, she didn't know what she should say. This was a dream come true, but should she answer him right now? Or wait till he had made up for all the wrong he had done? She didn't know what to do, she wasn't sure that she wanted to marry him. Especially after how this debacle came about. She was having mixed feelings about what she should do. So she did what she would normally do in this situation. " I need to think about it."

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