Returning to the good side

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Jason's pov

I hear my parents pull up in the driveway. "Have you ever been to school?" "No. And I don't plan on it either." She's got to go to school. "School is actually okay." "Not good with people remember?" I better not push her. "Well, I've got to go to school today. I guess just stay up here while I'm gone." I go get ready for school and when I walk back in my room, she's asleep again. Me and Sierra get in my truck. "So what are we doing about her?" "No idea. Hopefully she won't run away again." I walk into Windsor academy and the first thing I see is Dave, the guy with the eye patch, and Luke. I quickly walk the other way but Harry and Erin block my path that way. Crap. Luke probably told them what school I go to. "It doesn't have to be this way!" I gasp. "Yes it does!" Harry says, "You got away. That shows we're weak. And WE. AREN'T. WEAK!" "You ain't weak, you just-" "Save it." I feel hands on my shoulders. I know it's probably Luke and Dave. They drag me out of the school. I knew they weren't done with me. Or her. "What are you gonna do with me?" Harry's about to reply when someone jumps in between us. What the?! "Miranda?!" I gape. "I changed my mind and decided to come with you.... But then I saw these guys attacking you again." "Darlin', you can't take these guys on yourself!" She smiles. "You don't know me as well as you think you do!" She whistles loudly. "Ow what the?" Harry exclaims. Huh? "Attack!" She yells. Suddenly a flock of birds starts pecking them! She grabs my arm and we run away. "How the hell did you do that?!" I gasp. "Living in the woods all my life, you get to know the wildlife." She turns around, gripping her arms. "And well they get to know you too." Whoa. The boys run away. I'm shocked. "What... What did you mean by that?" "I'd help them and they helped me." Wow, so she was the reason I missed some of my shots! "Let's just go home." I say, holding her hands, pulling them away from her arms. We get back to my house. My parents already gone. Sierra walks out of her room. "What the?!" I gape. Her face gets red. "Sierra? What are you doing here?" "I could ask you the same question!" She says, crossing her arms. "I got ambushed by that asshole gang again! What's your excuse?" "I was skipping." She says, shrugging. "Well can you skip someplace else?" She laughs. "I'm out of here anyway. I just came to get some stuff." She leaves on her bike. No idea where she's headed. "Hm, I didn't know she skipped class." I mumble.

Sierra's pov

I'm so gonna stop them and I know just how to do it. Me and Luke dated before he turned all bad boy. Maybe I can convince him to leave my brother alone. I walk down the street and hear footsteps. Harry and Dave walk out of the shadows. Where's Luke? "Fresh meat." Dave says, high fiving Harry. "Sierra?!" I turn around. Luke. I'm about to run over to him when Harry grabs my arms. "Luke! Help me!" I cry, desperately. "You know this broad?" Harry asks. "She was my girlfriend when I was a wannabe loser." "You weren't a loser! You were my boyfriend! Jason's best friend! You still are!" "No I'm not." He bows his head. "Yes you are. Especially if you save his baby sister." He looks at me. "I don't.... I don't wanna be a bully anymore. I want my girl back!" Harry digs his nails into my arm. "Dave, dispose of the dead weight." He walks passed me withdrawing a gun!! "No! Luke!" I cry. He stares at me sadly. "If you make it home, tell Jason I'm sorry." Dave grabs his arm, dragging him away. "No! Leave him alone!" I yelp.

Luke's pov

I hear Sierra screaming. I can't let her get hurt too. Jason would want me to try and save her! I throw my leg back kicking Dave in the nuts and grabbing his gun. I run back to the hideout. "Sierra!" I call, fearfully.

Jason's pov

Someone knocks on the front door. I go to answer it and withdraw my pistol seeing Luke, and he's holding Sierra! "Put my sister down! And I might not shoot your ass!" I growl through clenched teeth. "I'm not here to hurt you but I will if I have to." He's got a gun too. "What do you want Luke?" "Forgiveness." "Put Sierra down. Then we'll talk." I take her from him, holding her bridal style. "What happened to her?" I ask, laying her on the couch. She's unconscious! "The wickeds tried to hurt her..... But I couldn't let them do that." They were gonna rape and kill my baby sister. But Luke saved her. "You're really done being an asshole?" "Yeah. I'm sorry. Can ya ever forgive me?" "Of course. You saved my sister. And you didn't kill me even when they told you to. It's great to have you back man."

Miranda's pov

I walk downstairs and scream in fear when Luke is standing there, holding a gun. Jason turns around. I back up. "It's okay hun, he's not on their side anymore!" "No! He's trying to trick you!" I screech, pointing at him. "No baby girl, he was my buddy before the gang and he's my buddy after." He says, slinging an arm around his shoulders. He may trust him but I don't. I go back upstairs, fearfully gripping the picture of my parents. Jason walks over and sits beside me a few minutes later. "That guy is evil. Just like the rest of them!" I mutter, glaring at the floor, fighting back tears. "Nah, he just got mixed up with the wrong crowd after his brother passed away. If he was evil, he woulda killed me back in that building. And he wouldn't have saved Sierra." "Ok, I'm trusting you on this. Now I'm not saying I trust him... Not yet anyway but if you say he's good I believe you." He kisses my head. "I would never put you or my sister in danger. If I thought even for a second he was here to get us I'd have shot him dead with my pistol." We go back downstairs. I stay behind Jason. "I really am sorry." He says, starting to walk over but I speak up, my hand gripping Jason's shirt. "Don't move any closer. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt which I've only ever done once in my life. So don't fuck with me!" I warn. Jason wraps an arm around me. "She grows on ya." He says, making me smile. My hand is still clamped tight to his shirt. I take a deep breath and shakily walk out from behind him. "Hey." Like says waving. I wave too, keeping a suspicious glare on him. "I don't play around boy." He chuckles. "I see that." Jason, the whole time keeps an arm protectively around my waist.

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