new friend/teacher info.

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Sonna and a invisible Spanx entered the classroom breathing heavily from running.

"Your late!" Was all teacher said as the classroom watched.

"Sorry, I got caught up in something and lost track of time." Sonna answered as she sat at her desk.

The teacher noded and started over what he was saying so Sonna could hear what she missed.

"Ok class, today we will be working on your elemental magic abilities." He said

Sonna moaned in frustration and thought, 'I almost forgot that nobody knows that I know how to use all four elements of magic. They only know that I can use the element water.'

Little did Sonna know that her moans of frustration caught the attention of the whole class and the teacher.

"Ms. Light , may I continue or is something wrong." The teacher replied sounding quite irritated.

This snapped Sonna out of her thoughts and she gestured for him to continue with a nervous like smile.

The teacher looked at Sonna and continued.

"Since, I was given permission by the district, you will be battling each other with your elemental magic. Think of this like a tournament and don't worry, in the end the winner , second, and third place will get a prize."

Everyone but Sonna cheered at that. Sonna looked at Spanx who was eating what looked like the teacher's lunch behind the teacher's desk.

Spanx gave Sonna a quick smile and continued eating as Sonna was laughing a bit, but her laughing didn't come unnoticed.

"Oh, and one more announcement!" The teacher yelled out quieting everyone.
"There will be blood tests tomorrow so be sure to be there or we will track you down!" The teacher finished with a smirk.

Everyone took it as a serious warning because everyone remembers a student last year trying to skip the day of blood tests due to him being of needles and shots. That same day they tracked him down and forced him to do the blood test.

Everyone obviously thought the same thing because everyone shivered at the thought of missing school and being tracked down as Spanx looked curiously at them. Spanx finished his meal and came over to Sonna.

"What is everyone afraid of?" He asked.
"I'll tell you later." Sonna whispered back.

Spanx noded and sat on the teachers desk starting to think about something.

The teacher watched every student tremble in fear at his words and noded proudly.

"For now, I will let you go talk to whoever you shall talk with while I decide who will go against who and after I eat my lunch we will start the fights." The teacher finished and Spanx kinda smirked and mumbled,
"What lunch?"

Sonna laughed and once again her laugh didn't go unnoticed.

"Dismissed!" The teacher yelled and everyone went to their friends starting to talk about the tournament.

Sonna sat there looking at Spanx as she thought about everything the teacher said. Not to long after a student with silver hair, sparkling purple eyes, who wore black pants, a white shirt with a hoody that had a symbol of a wolf, and a wolf necklace walked up to Sonna.

Sonna looked at him as he stared at her.

What felt like an awkward silence filled the air than finally Sonna broke the silence.

"Excuse me, but do you need something." Sonna said trying to be polite as Spanx sat and watched.

The student looked to be broken out of his train of though and asked sounding Emotionless, "Why were you laughing earlier?"

"Oh I was just thinking about something." Sonna lied.

The student didn't look to believe her but went with it and sat next to her.

Spanx was looking at him than caught something he nearly missed.

He saw the wolf necklace on him and than saw the same necklace on Sonna only it was a phoenix.
He literally slapped himself for not seeing the phoenix before on Sonna symbolizing her as the phoenix child. Spanx thought about it more than it hit him. This boy was the wolf. One out of some people who could save Sonna from death. He had to tell Sonna later.

Than the silence was interrupted again by Sonna.

"What's your name?"

"Xzefen."(zhe-phen) he answered.

"My name is Sonna." Sonna answered holding her hand out for him to shake.

Xzefen hesitated to shake her hand at first but did it.

"Nice to meet you.." he said

"And it's nice to meet you too, would you like to eat lunch with me, Xzefen." Sonna replied

Xzefen noded in agreement and as if on que the bell rang for lunch.

"I'll meet you at lunch, I got to take care of something first." Sonna said.

Xzefen noded and headed out to lunch.

Sonna looked at Spanx curiously.
"Something wrong Spanx?" She asked.

Spanx looked to be broken out of his thoughts.
"Huh, yeah." Spanx replied

"Then let's go." She said.

Spanx and Sonna left, and as they left they heard a yell from their teacher about his lunch being missing. Spanx and Sonna just laughed at that.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2015 ⏰

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