Three Year Old Meenakshi Menon

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       Today was Three Year Old Meenakshi's first day at preschool. She and her father were waiting for the bus to arrive. Meenakshi was munching down on some amazing coffee cake made by her aunt. The moment the bus arrived, she began to cry. She didn't want to leave her daddy like any other three year old. But preschool was important and therefore she had to go. She sat quietly in the corner of the bus with her head outside the window – peeping outside with wide eyes as if she had just discovered the way to Narnia through that very window. She did get a scolding from the bus conductor later but she didn't seem to be bothered by that. 

      Pre-school was fun. Three Year Old Meenakshi grew fond of crayons and big, orange bangles. One could always see her roaming around with them. Meenakshi's teachers were once discussing about what fog was, and they concluded the discussion by saying "a fog is a dying cloud, in short" and it hurt Meenakshi so much she started crying. 

     For the annual day, Three Year Old Meenakshi was a British soldier where she played the saxophone while marching along with Mother Teresa and Mahatma Gandhi (fake dressed up Mother Teresa and Mahatma Gandhi, I'd like to add) – this one time her sister didn't bother stopping her while she played to her heart's content. At the end of preschool, Three Year Old Meenakshi was felicitated with an award for being "very loving and helpful" but she was confused because all she did the whole year was draw and stare outside the window.

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