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Author's Note
Thanks for all of the nice comments! I'm going to say sorry in advance for what you're about to read. Sorry Kai...

Kai was walking towards the meeting room (A/N what are these called. I can't remember) when he ran into his father's friend Torin. Kai has known him all of his life, and he was practically family.

"Hey Torin can you remind me what this meeting is about again so I don't look like a complete idiot."

"Honesty Kai, do you ever pay attention? I don't know, and neither does your father. Levana just asked us to come and said nothing else."

They reached the door and Kai saw two guards standing at the door. "Is that really necessary. " Kai thought. The two guards both had emotionless expressions. One had blonde hair and the other had red hair. (A/N should I put kinny in here? If I do plz describe him I don't feel like looking for a description)

Kai went up the the guards standing by the door and asked if he could go into the room. They (very rudely) said no.

When his father came Kai was finally allowed into the room. They sat down and Levana wasn't there. "great." Kai thought. "more waiting" Kai took this time to think about who he was going to come face to face with.

Levana. She was the mayor of the neighboring city Luna. She was six years older then him, and some would say beautifull. To Kai she just looked fake. She had so much Plastic surgery that she looked like a real life Barbie doll. Except instead of blond hair she had auburn hair.

Kai heard the door open and he turned around.  He was meet with a fake smile and the batting of extremely  long eye lashes.

"Hello. " Levana said with a sickeningly sweet voice while smirking directly at him.

"thank you for coming on such short notice. " Levana kept staring at Kai and he was staring to get annoyed.

"I know that there has been a strain between the relationship of our two cities for years, but I think it is time we fixed that. "

"Strain" was a understatement. Their "relationship" was nonexcesting.

"I believe I have found a way to unite our cities."

Levana switched her gaze over to Kai's father.

"History has shown us that this has worked in the past. The son of a important figure with the daughter of an important figure.... "

"Oh. My. Stars. Is she suggesting what I think she is suggesting?" Kai thought.

"I propose there should be a marriage alinesses between Luna and Commonwealth."

Finally his father spoak. "No. I don't believe that this will solve anything. -"

"HA! " Levana let out a laugh. "Face it our people love us. We both will be re-elected for years. "

"That doesn't mean my son wants to be mayor."

They went back and forth arguing until Kai couldn't listen to them any longer.

Kai stood up and left the room. He could hear his father calling after him, but Kai just ignored him.

He ran back to his room, and only had one thought.

He would never marry Levana.

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