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The first time

I thought I dreamt it.

She kissed me,

so quickly,

the smell of something sweet

lingered even after she pulled

away. Away, only to return

one –twice – three times more.

Sorry, she said. You just look

like a breath of summer,

sitting there. I love summer.

Her voice fades like wind,

and I thirst for it.

Say it again, I ask.

Her eyes search me,

it no longer makes me nervous

when she does this.

Her gaze lingers on my lips, then

Meets mine.

Please, I whisper.

I wish.

You look – she says, kisses

the dip of my cheek

– like summer –

she moves to my earlobe –

sitting there. In a final breath,

placed in my own mouth

so sweet

I will have cavities forever,

she says,

just for me, yes?

I nod, yes

just for you.

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