Untitled Part 1

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3 Months ago my alcoholic father died. His body couldn't take anymore so late one Saturday his heart gave out. The doctors kept reminding me that alcohol poisoning is a serious thing and had cost my father his life. I hate that they treated me like I was stupid or something. My caseworker Abby Trolls wouldn't give up hope in finding me a forever home. Even though I was doubtful, I made the mistake of telling Abby about my biological mother. She latched on to the idea of finding the women who disappeared 4 days after I was born. I had long ago given up hope in finding the only person on earth I thought could help. Turns out she made it more than impossible to find her so I didn't humor the peppy redhead case manager and her hell hound search for my Mother's Ghost. But alas Abby's determination paid off and she giddily instructed me to pack my bags (which wasn't much) and get ready to meet Dia Burnes, my long lost Mom.

And that is how I ended up on the doorstep of a large ranch house deep in the country of South Carolina. Abby eagerly shot out her hand, grasped the iron door knocker and rapped three times. I heard a dog bark and someone say "Down Guinness!" The door swung open and I swore it was as if I was looking at my own reflection. But I wasn't fooled for long, I would never be like the women in front of me. . . Never.

"Hi, I'm Abby Trolls," The petite ginger patted her fiery red 'fro and flashed a blinding mega-watt grin, "You must be Dia Burnes, I'm here to drop of Rooke but I need some last minute verification signatures."

Dia nodded and stepped aside, Her expression remaining stoic and unreadable.

"Rooke, my daughter is in the living room watching TV, why don't you join her while I get this situated out."

I followed her finger with my gaze and saw a sliver of an LED screen through the slim archway. I immediately left, glad to be away from Dia.

Even though Emmie Burnes and I have the same mother I was still surprised at how much we looked alike. From the honey blonde hair and pale powdered blue eyes. The small collection of freckles dotting our nose and the long bleached eyelashes.

She smiled "Hey Rooke  right? Want some sweet tea?"

I Nodded and picked at my black nails. "Sure."

She lead me down a small hallway lined with pictures of Jesus and cheesy quotes about life. I could handle those but I couldn't handle the lot of Family photos. It made it hard to breathe.

"Want some Lemon?" Her small hand was poised above a chilled container of citrus slices.

"Um? Yeah, I guess."

She added two wedges to a tall glass and filled the cup to the brim with sweet tea. " Just remember, Never ask someone in the south how much sugar they put in their sweet tea." She reminded me

The kitchen was southern chic. There was granite counter, pale white cabinets and plenty of warm sunlight pouring in making the Custom mason jar chandelier useless in the day. All the stainless steel brushed nickel appliances looked brand new.

I took a sip of the drink and it immediately cooled my sweaty pits and neck. I set the glass down on a coaster and wiped my wet palms. There was already condensation covering the pitcher. "Thank you, that was really refreshing."

"Your welcome." she beamed, " It is my mom's recipe."  

I almost choked on a ice cube trying to process what that meant.  "Wow." I set the jar on the counter and smiled weakly. The icy sweet drink no longer seemed appetizing. 

"Rooke?" I heard Dia's voice behind me. "Please grab your things from the living room, we generally don't leave stuff lying around." She nodded and led me back down the way. "I'll show you to your room."

"Okay," I hoisted up my small duffel bag. 

"Is that all you have?" She eyed my belongings with distaste. I managed to feel self conscious while yanking the hem of my too-small sweater down and sucking in my belly. 

"Well we will have to go shopping then, we can't have you going around looking homeless." 

Ouch. It felt like she had slapped me on the face. 

Dia was oblivious to the heat of her remark but I could tell from Emmie's red face that the 14 year old girl was plenty embarrassed for both of them. 

 I followed Dia up the stairs with Emmie trailing behind.

My bedroom was a dull blue with a large queen bed and white comforter. A TV hung above an oak dresser and an old fashioned bay   window looked out to the ranches huge yard. The bathroom was identical to the suite . The Fluffy towels that were carefully arranged above a warmer and complementary soaps and toiletries made it seem like a hotel.

All in All it was a guest room. Made for People who were not apart of the family to come and be a temporary member.

"Thanks." I said forcing a smile. "Its great."

"Well dinner is at five thirty and your welcome to join us." 

Us. It stood out like a sore thumb. I swallowed hard and turned away. "Thanks." I whispered feeling Emmie's Innocent pale blue eyes staring at  me with pity. 

"No problem."she said in a slight accent, putting her hands on her hips."All right Sugar lets go and let Rooke settle in." She gave Emmie a nookie and they left in a fit of giggles.


Even though I was hungry beyond imaginable, I didn't join the Burnes for dinner. Instead I waited until Emmie and Anthonie, my half brother, disappeared into the game room to play pool and my other half brother Nathan was tucked in bed. I crept down the stairs and into the spacious pantry. I located a large box of sugary cereal and a carton of milk from the fridge. I was about fix myself a generous bowl  when I heard voices. 

" I mean, she is a nice gal." Clay's deep rumble was low and soft.

"I just don't understand why this had to happen now, when she is already 17 years old. I waited all of our kids lives just waiting for that stupid bastard to finally hand her over because she was limiting his booze supply. I swear Clay, she hates me. I can tell by the way she looks at me. Lord knows what lies her good for nothing cheat of a father has been tellin' her." Dia sniffed like she was crying. " I wish I had been more persistent, If I hadn't given up so easily she would  have gotten the life she deserved. God. . . Clay, did you see her clothes, the poor thing has been utterly neglected by her drunkard father." 

I was frozen, unable to move. I tried to process the information but my head was clouded and confused. I couldn't focus on any thing and my vision kept blurring in and out. I sat down on the dark maple wood floors and hung my head between my knees. I concentrated on slowing my breathing." 

What happened next wasn't really clear but I felt large strong arms pick up all 115 lb's of me and then I was fast asleep. It wasn't until I heard Dia's sweet southern voice whisper in my ear that I realized how exhausted and drained I was. All it took was was 3 words. . . 

"You're safe now." 

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