That Was Years Ago

Start from the beginning

Running under the much needed cover she used a free hand to wring her hair out and check that her iPhone was undamaged, though the music still played through the white earphones. Her dog took the opportunity to shake itself vigorously and spray droplets all over its owner, the chain on the lead jingling. “Ugh! Girl, why did you have to do that?” She demanded. The dog merely looked at her with it’s tongue hanging from one side of its opened mouth. “Yeah, yeah. You think this is all fun and games. Well, when we get home you’ll be on the back porch until you’re all dry, my friend.” She promised, taking off her soaked cardigan, the white singlet she wore underneath surprisingly dry.

As though she’d understood every word the dog’s tail ceased to wag.

“Yeah, how do you like them apples?” Hanako stated, teasingly as she ruffled the short hair on her dog’s head.

“I don’t think dogs are supposed to eat apples.” A voice contradicted.

With a screech and yelp from both the girl and her dog, they turned and found that there was a young man standing by the front door of the house. Hanako took in a deep breath and prepared to explain herself, though it was kind of obvious why she was using the shelter. “Gomen nasai.” She began, bowing. “I got caught in the rain and I was just waiting for it to stop.” She explained, standing upright again.

The guy raised a hand with a smiled. “It’s fine.” He said. “No need to be sorry. I just wanted to check that you were alright.” He added.

Hanako felt a familiar annoyance flare up in her chest, though she couldn’t understand why. She’d never seen this guy before – at least she didn’t think she had. But there was something about the tone in his voice that made her wonder if he was patronising her.  “I’m just fine, thank you.” She said, trying to remain polite.

“Hey, don’t I know you?” He asked, his deep brown eyes seeming to sharpen as he took in her face. “Hey, I do! You’re Hanako Yamashita-san! You’ve dyed your hair since I last saw you, but it’s you!”

Hanako was startled. How did he know her? She was certain that she had never seen him before. “Uum…I’m sorry, but how do you know me?” She asked, hoping beyond anything that he wasn’t some kind of a creepy stalker.

He tilted his head to the side, smiling in a confused way. “I’m Ryo Kaneko. Don’t you remember me? We were in the same grade together at school.”

It all came together in her head. That was why she was so irritated with him and his tone of voice. It was him. The person she spent avoiding since they’d met in their first year of High School. He’d dyed his hair black again, that explained why she didn’t recognize him from the brown and blonde he’d had in his hair last time she’d seen him. “Oh.” She muttered darkly.

He was perfectly aware of her annoyance with him, yet he always fought to antagonise her and always found a way to push against her barrier. Great, she thought she’d never have to see him again. She was wrong.

Ryo ignored her dark comment. “How long have you been living around here? I’ve never seen you around.” He asked conversationally.

“Ten years.” Hanako replied stiffly. She would reply civilly, but he wouldn’t get much more out of her – not until the rain stopped and she could flee and never walk down that street ever again.

“Wow, seriously? My parents have had this house since they were married.” Ryo replied with a smile, glancing to the house. He turned his eyes back on her and then they travelled down to her dog. “This your dog?”

Who’s else could it possibly belong to?!’ She exclaimed loudly in her head. “Yeah. Kohaku-chan.”

Ryo slowly approached the dog, who had been fighting against the lead to try and investigate the new person. “Really? Like the dragon in that movie. What was that movie called again?” He asked, letting the pup sniff his hand.

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