Not Like Other Men

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Not Like Other Men

by sloanranger

I know you're not like other men, but you said you'd come back again;

that when you got through, I'd have you -

Santa - where've you been?

You told me on Boxing Day, before you left in that sleigh:

New Year's situation, would bring elation,

you'd come back to me one day.

Then came February and I thought that we'd be merry.

All those Valentines - on Wattpad, did fine,

but your 'no show' left me dreary.

You didn't come in March, liquor bills were too large;

you partied St. Pattys, that raised the ante,

said you couldn't put more on your charge.

I didn't expect you in summer - the heat for you, is a bummer.

Were you up to no good - or taking naps like you should?

It's your usual time to recover.

You said you were never keen, when it came time for Halloween;

scared of black cats, and witches' hats,

you hid till the Thanksgiving scene.

Now, I don't think I'll let you in; I don't even care where you've been.

No, Santa Claus - I think you're a fraud...

but gee, miss your beard now and then.

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