Christmas Night

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Christmas Night

by sloananger

Silverbells and holly and snowflakes in the air,

it's that time of year again, I see it everywhere.

In the stores, all over town - people filled with cheer,

on front doors, everywhere, Christmas wreaths appear.

We're checking Christmas lists to see, that no one is forgot,

the scent of pine assails us, on every corner lot.

Smiling faces all around, awaiting Christmas Eve,

shining lights in windows with storefront Christmas trees.

Kid's expectant faces, pressed close against the glass -

and secret notes to Santa, for things afraid to ask.

We have such special feelings, at this time of year,

for people that are dear to us, both far and very near.

Catching loved ones when we can, beneath the mistletoe,

lights twinkling all around, like nightime stars aglow.

It's a special time of year, that no one can deny,

if you seek a certain star - or sleighbells, in the sky.

A magic time of year for me, when Santa Claus takes flight...

I only know I want to be - with you... on Christmas night.

VLSloan/sloanranger  12.9.15

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